#BEN Coin Victims Launch Full Frontal Assault

#BEN Coin Victims Launch Full Frontal Assault
Crypto Talk Radio: Basic Cryptonomics
#BEN Coin Victims Launch Full Frontal Assault

Feb 26 2025 | 00:30:17

Episode February 26, 2025 00:30:17

Hosted By


Show Notes

#BEN Coin Victims Launch Full Frontal Assault


#Crypto #Cryptocurrency #podcast #BasicCryptonomics

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Welcome to Crypto Talk Radio, the podcast for everyday investors like you. Visit us on the [email protected] and now here's your host, Leister. Thank you for that, Bailey. And welcome everybody out there in Crypto Talk radio, [email protected] it's been a hard day and night and I've been working like a dog. [00:00:24] I. I work, you know, I got my job. J O B. So hopefully those out there are listening to me. That rhymes. And you are. You're off your job. You're done. By the time you hear it, you might be actually even at your job. If you are good. If you don't have a job, Mike row. I'll recommend mikeroworks.com he has a section of his site that posts actual jobs. So what he does is he screens a bunch of companies who are not posting jobs. Not fake jobs, but jobs where, you know, they put up a job post knowing they already got somebody in mind. This isn't those. He actually screens them to find companies that are willing to hire. This doesn't change the requirements. It just makes it towards a fair level playing field. So if you are in the market for a job, I will recommend mikeroworks.com that's mikerow r o w e works. Com. I do recommend using your computer. Not your automo, what's it, Phone, but actually sit down at a computer. You don't have a computer. Shame on you, but you don't have a computer. Go to your neighborhood library or something else and get on a computer because you're going to need to fill out a resume, look like a professional. You're not typing on your phone, you're not texting a thing. You know, you need to do it right because we want to help you get a job. I'm not paid by Mike Rowe. I wish I was because I. I'm a big fan of his. But if you are looking for a job, that's what I would steer you. Meanwhile, cryptocurrency, for some of those who are not working, you're kind of pissed off because you know you're not working. You were hoping that cryptocurrency would negate the need for you to actually work a jo be and unfortunately, due to a recent crash, you're kind of feeling like not. It's not so good, it's not looking great and you don't know what's going on. And I don't have an answer. There's a lot of theories, a lot of People online have theories. I can share theories, but I don't know how good it is. I will say I will take a minor victory lap because, you know, some of those people told you we were going up to the hundreds, thousands, we're going to bounce off and go up to the moon. And then Lifesty here@CryptoTalk FM told you that felt like we were going to the 80s, at least in the short term. Here we are, and I'll get to the numbers here shortly. But here we are in those 80s, just like he told you. You know, Uncle Leister is always looking out for you. We're always trying to make sure you have as best information as I can see it. And you notice, you know, I don't pull out charts, I don't draw lines and Bollingers and all this garbage because I think sentiment is the most important measure you can use in order to understand what the direction of cryptocurrency is going to be like any stock, anything else. [00:02:47] So I'll share a bit, a tidbit near the end about a recommendation that I have and it's a repeat of an older episode, but I'll share that recommendation. In the meantime, I love that the price is going down, you know, because I felt like it was just running too damn hot. We had to get to some calm sense, you know, we had to calm down and that allows buying opportunities and just so happens money's gonna flow. My direction might already flow, actually float my direction to where I can use some of that to stack some bills and chill. And I, you know, I wish we had an FTX type crash, you know, to buy Bitcoin at 12,000 bucks because if I could do that, this house is paid off anyway. We're going to talk cryptocurrency. I don't think this will be a long episode. There's a lot of things to talk about, but I don't think it'll be a long episode. I don't want to waste your time. I want to get to the nitty gritty of what I saw and I want to share some thoughts on some random stuff, crypto related random stuff. And fortunately, you know, I didn't have too much, there wasn't too much fallout from what happened before with beliefs and everything else. So that's good. We didn't see a lot of follow up. But I am going to be talking about some of the extra comments that came as a result of it because I, I get a chuckle out of those things. Like I said, when he gets Attacked. That's the, that's the entertainment. It doesn't happen long enough. So meanwhile, let's jump in. You might want to strap in on this one because I don't know, as I said, the truth of what's really going on. I can share theories, I don't know how good they do, but I'll tell you what I think is happening here, what we do next. [00:04:25] CoinDesk.com and we're going to zoom out to the month chart for bitcoin, although I know that makes you cringe. But I am going to zoom out to the month chart for bitcoin, starting first with the, the, the raw numbers, the rough numbers, and just how bad. It was a low of 86,000, a high of 92. 6. This is just in the last 24 hours, a major drop, like a rock, currently trending at the 88 and a half thousand mark. And on the month chart, you can see just how severe this dump really was. Major outflows of money from bitcoin as well as some of the other tokens. This, this absolutely freaked the market. It caused a cascade effect, as it always does as people, because unfortunately people are trained to, and I wish they wouldn't be, but they buy on green, they sell on red. They shouldn't do it, but that's what they do. And of course, liquidations makes everything worse. Meanwhile, Ethereum seemed to weather the storm a little bit better. And I'm going to talk about that in here in a second. But a low of 2300, a high of 2500, currently hovering around the 2500 mark. Although it had a drop on the month chart, it wasn't nearly as severe as Bitcoin. Do you know what that tells me? That tells me that Leister was telling you the truth when he said it feels like this pump cannot sustain and it feels like it's artificial. Because if Bitcoin is not running up like bitcoin, or if Ethereum rather is not running up like Bitcoin, it means that there's something going on with the whole eco where it's not real. Because Ethereum should have ran. That's why I was saying it should have ran by now. We should have seen higher numbers from Ethereum and we never did. That's why I suspect Ethereum couldn't go anywhere, because it was already at the raw bottom and it was bitcoin running super hot, like an artificial pump in a way, and it had to cool off. And then some of that profit money from bitcoin simply flowed into other garbage projects that are out there. And so then those ran hot, but none of it sustained. And then I felt like we needed to cool down. Some of the theories online spun around Donald Trump and the terrorists where they said, look, we think that the tariff is spooking the market. True enough that NASDAQ and others were reacting to what was going on in the international space and true enough, that's what's going on with Ukraine caused a little bit of turmoil. But the bottom line, I felt bitcoin was running too damn hot and it had to cool off at some point and now is the best time to do it, which means it should bounce back and recover pretty quickly. And I do suspect that some of the stuff that's going on with the sec, kind of rolling back their stuff might help positive sentiment and help this momentum get back to where we want it to be. Speaking about the sec, the SEC recently dropped investigation on a unit swap. I covered this on a past episode where they were coming after the decent side and Uniswap basically said, you know, we're gonna fight this because I don't see how you have a case on anything. Unisops jump. Unit swap is jumping for joy right now at the news that the SEC is gonna back down. And then of course they had previously backed down on Robin Hood and OpenSea. I felt like the open sea was a cash grab. That was a joke. Robin Hood. They needed to get something slammed on them. But Uniswap made no damn sense. It was completely decentralized and had no anything close to a security. But they got the wells notice like some of these other ones. And I, I frankly thought it was a joke. Overall, I'm glad to see that was dismissed. Does that affect the broader market? I do think that certain of the market will will expand as a result, specifically Ethereum, because remember Uniswap is primarily Ethereum. Again, it goes back to Ethereum every. All roads lead to Ethereum. If we don't see a run on Ethereum, none of the rest of it really matters because Ethereum seems to be the backbone of a lot of the other tokens that are getting. It's not Bitcoin. Bitcoin is largely centralized around the wealthy mother fathers. So I just felt, no, this has to be something on the Ethereum side that needs to be resolved and if we don't resolve it, none of the rest of the pumps matter. It didn't mean that you couldn't take profit off of what was running up and hopefully you did. But it also meant that there's a strong, there still is a strong profit despite the idiot Vitalik, the rug puller. There's still an opportunity for profit on the Ethereum and all the tokens on that chain. And I was waiting to see that there was some sort of price movement positive on the Ethereum side and hadn't seen it yet. [00:08:52] So I wasn't sure. Is there something other than the idiot that was causing this crap out or was it simply artificial pumps? Again, others seem to speculate that the tariffs are causing a lot of the turmoil that we see specifically on Ethereum, but also the recent dip on Bitcoin. Speaking of those same tariffs and how this works, Trump, president of the United States came out recently saying terrorists are going forward on time, on schedule. That's a quote. Because he was pushing for terrorists across the board. He's going hot and heavy on them. And then the, the industry wide sentiment seemed to shift to the negative because we didn't know how it's going to affect price. I thought I would take a moment to explain this to some people that don't understand the whole point of a tariff in the traditional sense. I'm not talking the modern sense, I'm talking the traditional sense. [00:09:40] The whole point of a tariff is to discourage international trade. It's to discourage it. That's the bottom line. It doesn't mean you can't do it. It means it's discouraging it. He wants the companies to build, manufacture and deliver domestic. He wants you to be buying American made products. Then you'll say prices will go up. You are correct. He wants you to buy American. Here's the truth about price of things. [00:10:10] There's a number of different things that go into the price of something. There's regulatory standards, there's inspection standards, there's all sorts of licenses, there's store distributions, there's property taxes. There's all these different micro pricing things that go into the price you pay for goods and services that you consume. [00:10:29] China and others on the international shore cheat. They don't pay the vast majority. They don't pay for physical space, they don't pay for licenses. A lot of time they don't pay for inspections. A lot of time they don't pay for protections. They don't have the oversight that we have where they have to do inspections of the farms and inspections of the warehouses. Employee safety, all of these things is what you're paying for. And the reality is that you as a citizen United States should welcome buying and supporting American companies. Regardless of the price. I know that burns, but here's the truth. Quality of everything that we bought started to decline the moment that we started to embrace more international made products. Notice how many recalls there are of the vehicles being manufactured. When we lost Detroit, when Ford ducked the smoke and got rid of United States made stuff. [00:11:23] When we lost gm, when we lost Dodge, when we lost Plymouth, when we lost Maserati, when we lost all these companies manufacturing us at one point. Notice the decline of quality, notice the decline of preference. Notice that every fricking car is ugly as sin and they have all sorts of critical issues where they're getting recalled left right Sunday. That's a direct byproduct of them being manufactured overseas. Because those companies are saving money by laxing on those standards. You no longer have the quality. This isn't suggesting that cars were always safe. There was a time Ford stood for found on road dead. There was a time that the Ford Pinto was most notorious for blowing up in the middle of the thing. I'm not suggesting that we always had safety. I'm saying that if you look at the quantity of recalls happening now, it's skyrocketing. If you look at the quantity of planes that are having mysterious weird issues to them, it's skyrocketing. A lot of those parts come from international seas. So what he wants you to do is to proudly consume American and be willing to pay the extra prices for doing so. In addition to this, when the tariffs are in effect, when there's actual tariffs happening, a lot of those companies have already started talking about pulling their stuff back to the us. That increases jobs. Increase of job availability means people are going to consume more, consuming more includes cryptocurrency, which may have a positive impact on you. These are things that people don't think about because all they care about is the sticker shock of a thing seeing $7 for a dozen eggs. I understand it sucks. I used to, you know, I remember the time there's two for five Big Macs. I remember the. Do you remember the time? I do remember the time. I'm saying I would rather buy and purchase American if I knew everything I needed was manufactured here and made here. A lot of times there's things that I use on a regular basis and it's simply not made here. I have to go to Amazon to get it. Unfortunately, a lot of you Americans got rid of the notion of going to the mall. So a lot of the malls shut down cuz you refused to go to the mall. And that's where I would go to get a lot of my stuff. So I don't have that ability. It's your fault. I'm saying that this is the world that Trump's pushing for and if we can get it successful, it's gonna have a positive note on crypto, not a negative one in the long term. In the short term, there's going to be that burn, it's gonna be an impact, it's gonna be negative, it's not gonna feel good. Especially talking about bitcoin and its price. Speaking of bitcoin, bitcoin allegedly was forecasted by analysts as it's gonna go even lower, meaning that the 88,000 mark current is not the bottom and people think it's gonna go even down. I said before somewhere in the 70s and I said, that feels like it's a little bit too much low. And I also said Ethereum should have run up and it didn't move. And then here it was, barely a blink in anybody's eye, which told me that if a theory is truly at a bottom and bitcoin's headed towards a bottom, well, what's really the true bottom of bitcoin? I would suspect that the bitcoin bottom, the new bottom right now, given all of the purchases and acquisitions, liquidations and everything, has got to be in the 80s range. I don't think it goes any lower, but maybe I get it wrong. I'm going to be watching it close, but maybe I get it wrong and it does go beneath there. Also, we have to look at Solana, because Solana was affected by the drip dips of bitcoin, but it was also, as a compound effect affected by Binance. And a lot of these were selling on the Solana. So that's depressing the price. You gotta understand, overall, there's a. There's multiple things at play. There's sentiment issues, there's also actual legit dumps of the stuff, there's liquidations happening and then of course, formal panic selling. So we got a little bit more pain is my point, in the short term, before we get to a long term run of any kind. [00:15:03] In the meanwhile, we also have situations where there's good things happening for lawsuits and legal actions that are happening. And although they may not have a major impact on sentiment, any good news that's good like this can do only help. It can only can't harm. It can do only help. Speaking of such law cases, Safe Moon executive pleads guilty in $200 million fraud case and this goes piggybacking off of an update I did on a previous episode where I Talked about how SafeMoon was allegedly getting into meme coins. They doubled down on that one. [00:15:35] This is big news. This is huge news. The CTO, SafeMoon pled guilty to the charges. It took a long time, right? This thing's been out there for ages. He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years for wire fraud conspiracy and 25 years for securities fraud. And for years he was fighting, saying he was not guilty. Not guilty. You know all these guys talking about not guilty. And I want to state, just for the record, here's the thing, the bottom line with Safe Food is it was a scam. From jump. From day one, it was a scam. They knew it was a scam. They knew what they were doing. [00:16:08] And if you look at the charges that they got these jokers on, it's always about wire fraud. That's the government's fallback. Anytime we're dealing with money and muddy movement, especially when it's international born or international destination, they use wire fraud. And that's how they nail you. And those have the highest charges because they always go after financial crimes harder than any other crime. As scammy as that is. They want their damn money. And if they have anything that tells them that they're not going to get their tax money, they're going to come out the oas. And that's how it works. That's what they got the dude on with these charges. Like Manny the rug puller and Russ, cult leader. [00:16:43] Meanwhile, the Safe Moon project apparently has a new team around it. It's allegedly a community controlled project now, as in. But I mean, think about it. All the money's out of the damn thing. So I don't know. So they said, we're going to launch this new token on the Salana chain and have it be community owned. 100%. No. Because you know, Safe Moon was talking about utilities, the wallet and all that. They said, we're getting away from that. Get into the fundamentals of meme. Quote, Safe Moon is a meme coin. That's what it should have been from day one. No convoluted promises, no force utility, just a movement. Because at the heart of every legendary meme coin is a simple, compelling idea, a brand, a rallying cry that people connect with on a deeper level. Stop. Here's the thing. [00:17:26] They're not correct in what they're saying. That's not what is at the heart of every legendary meme coin is a simple, compelling idea, a brand that's not true at all. If you think about Dogecoin. Dogecoin didn't start as a brand. Dogecoin simply started. It was the first meme. But it didn't start with a brand. It didn't start with even an idea. There was no idea of it. It just. It actually was a joke project. Right. And it got support because it was treated as a joke. And so then the community put support behind it. There was no active intent to make it succeed until after the fact. Shiv started with an idea and then they pushed on it and then look what happened. It turned into crap. So I don't agree with what they're saying. I understand what they're saying. I don't agree that using the Safe Moon name because it's a bad word. Just like Saitama for the same reason. So Thomas also talking side of Chain and by the way, they had said, you know, we found these issues with the current side of chain blockchain so we have to relaunch and do a thing and do this over here. And it's a. It's a. I try not to cuss. It's a chaotic nightmare. So I talked about it. SafeMoon's the same thing. And I would argue side of Chain Saitama is worse than Safe mood at this point. Because at least with Safe Moon you're not dealing with the new team. You're not dealing with people who are still lying to you about what they're going to deliver. So at least that they're acknowledging we're just going to be a meme. That's all we're going to do. That's what it should have been. There's no utility and stuff that also though means necessarily so it's not going to succeed. And that's just the bottom line. P Cold sets up but that's what it is. [00:18:57] Now I wanted to close out and I wanted to talk about absolute, you know, because again, I like these comedy things. I like these hilarity things. I like things that, you know, I don't get a chance to laugh too often. And when I do, it's just I. I want to make sure that I, you know, share it with you guys. You know, I want you to enjoy the same level of excitement that I do. You might not find it as funny. I suspect that most of you probably do. That's why I share it. Because I suspect most of you probably do. And I do think. [00:19:31] I do think that, you know, some of it's self inflicted. Some of it is just this is you. And you're. You're doing what you're doing and you're holding fast to what it is. And I understand that. [00:19:41] But you. You know, if you want to give it, you better be ready to take it. That's kind of the reality of. Of what the. The real story of the game and how it goes. [00:19:52] So please. A little while back. So it's a couple weeks ago. Had done a video and he talked about some stuff that was happening for Ben Armstrong. Bit boy. [00:20:04] All I knew is that apparently Ben disappeared. He disappeared. Cassie was trying to find him and all this other stuff, and she know what he was. Where he was. Allegedly didn't know where he was and put out a plea say if you've seen him or whatever. The. I don't know. [00:20:19] So then Blaze did this video and in the video, and I was absolutely. I'm gonna straight say I'm ashamed of him because he keeps doing Chewbacca and it's like he doesn't realize it. He keeps doing Chewbacca. He's subtly admitting. Subtly look it up. Admitting he just wants to hook into somebody else's celeb status. That's basically what he's doing. He's hustling. Right. I. I don't knock the hustle and I don't knock why you're hustling, but goddamn it, you know, this. This situation, the whole situation, the Ben Coin situation. I said you shilled Strange in you when it rug pulled. You put a video and you acknowledged. Look, I. If you got. I'm paraphrasing. If you got wrecked because of what I did, I'm sorry. You owned it. Ben Coin was a rug pull. By his definition. Ben by your definition. [00:21:16] By. By Cassie. How is it then Ben Coin rugs. But you will not do the same thing you did for Strange, which is just own it. And say if you got into Ben because I something I did, I'm sorry. Just own it, dude. You did that. You told people this is going to be something. You told me you don't want to miss that one. You told. You call people idiots that they didn't buy into it. You said, Ben's going to make this successful. You even called out Ben putting that tweet, talking about, if it doesn't hit top 100 by 2025, I'll delete my account and go offline. And people tried to call him out. And then what does he do? He blocks and mutes and bans and does whatever the f. [00:21:56] It's like, call it out. You Shill. The token you call. You trusted him blindly because you just want his celeb status. His celeb status is waning. It doesn't matter how many views he has on YouTube because a lot of those people simply want to see the shit show. They want to see the chaos. They want to see everything crashed and burned, and that's why they're dialing in. If we only want crash tv, okay, then Ben Armstrong's the new version of Vince Russo. But let's be honest here. The truth is, you shield the token that ended up being a rug pull, own it and say, yes, I shield you, and I'm sorry it ended up being a rug pull. It doesn't matter why it ended up being rug pull. It ended up being rug pulled. And own it. Say that your trust was misplaced. Say that you were misled. Say the guy used you because that's what happened. Because he even admitted in the video that, you know, he was trying to do this. And Ben hasn't talked to him in a while. And eventually Ben said, I'm trying to keep my inner circle tight, which means he doesn't want him in a circle. Well. Well, damn. If the guy tells you he doesn't want your inner circle, at what point do you take a hint like, it's like a clingy girlfriend? I don't understand. I really don't. And a lot of people said same thing we don't understand. Why are you acting like a clingy girlfriend on this dude? It don't make sense at all. [00:23:11] So then I saw on that video some of the comments that were left, and I thought so that he did respond to the comments on a different video. And I thought his responses were weak because the comments are calling it like it is. And I wish that he had understood why the comments were happening, owned it and apologized and just leave it there. No Chewbacca. And by Chewbacca, if you don't know what I'm talking about, Chewbacca defense, it comes from. What is that, South Park? I think it's South Park. But the Chewbacca defense basically says, you know, I'm gonna say something. This is wrong. This is whatever. And you're like, yeah, but that person did it. That's a Chewbacca defense. You're trying to distract from what we're talking about. We're talking about this right here. Focus on that. So when people call out that Ben cheated on his wife and was drugged out for his kid and all this other nonsense, you know, bleas Will say, well, yeah, but TJ cheated with Sick. Nobody cares, bro. Two rounds don't make it right. Nobody cares. We ain't talking about him. We talking about Ben. Then he'll say they tried to steal the company from him. Nobody cares, bro. We're talking about what he did. Negative. Talk about that. Only that, and call him out. But everything's a Chewbacca to come back to a defense status of a guy that basically told you you ain't worth being in the inner circle. You ain't worth. So he basically told you ain't worth and you're still defending him. That's why people are doing the comments that they're doing and why I said his response was weak because he doesn't seem to understand, bro, you're on the losing side of this one. Not because of your trust, not because of you trying to be a friend, because of why you're doing it. You're doing it because you're trying to, essentially, to use a proverb, get in the pants of someone. This is what it is. We have to understand. [00:24:56] You come across looking like a hypocrite. You come across looking like an idiot. And the bottom line is Ben Coy was a scam by everybody's ambition. Ben himself admitted it, got rug pulled and was taken. It doesn't matter if he did it. The point is it's a rug pull. So since Strange was a rug pull and you owned it, why don't you own it with Ben? And by own it, I don't want to hear the Chewbacca. I don't want to hear what TJ did to do. I don't want to hear the company stole a dude. I want to hear Ben's a fucking cheater. He cheated on his wife. Ben's a scumbag because of what he did to his kid. Ben did the. He made a promise of 2025. He didn't own up to the shit. Ben disappeared with a lot of people's money. Ben was banning and deleting people on a telescam. Ben should be showing up at people's houses strapped like you break down. This is the negative. Then you can say, I don't agree with anything he said. However, I want to try to support him because in his time, I need to do to do. That's great. After you call out the negatives straight up, no special effects. That hasn't happened. That's why they're coming at leaves. Because he hasn't acknowledged his part to play in the scam. It doesn't matter who did it. You played a part because you told people repeatedly that this was the future. This is it. You're missing out. If you don't understand, you don't get to the. You told them that and a lot of people lost a lot of money. You should own that straight up. So then people came at him expectantly. So about what happened. User ishop7496 has, quote, another paid YouTube video. The shit brothers are once again taking money to mislead their followers. Aaron and Austin are the ultimate sellouts. They'll promote anything for a quick 10,000 to 50,000. They're not stupid, just incredibly greedy. They should know better to take money from shady projects. I even commented on the YouTube channel that Ben Coin will never make it to the top 20. What a joke. As for Ben, he's completely delusional. Just another rug pulling scammer. User John Matrix2033 says quote she promoted a scam coin. User cryptobaby says, quote oh the old I got hacked. Lol. User Zackiol6746 says:Ben is a narcissistic crazy guy. He tore his family apart and deserves any misery he's feeling. His kids saw him become a drug addict that cheated on their mom and never took any accountability. I wouldn't want a part of my life either. He's laying in the bed. He may User BTC Carnivore says quote clowns buy shill crap coins. I'm laughing out loud. User GM6263 says quote Ben is crazy. You should stay away from him. [00:27:30] User CM Thomas328 says quote oh my God dude, you're on the wrong side of history. You basically help Pump and Dumb. I think he means Dump Bin Coin. Lol. Same. User this dude's an idiot. Oh my God. You don't see value on Discover Crypto, but you shill Ben Coin. Same user quote this dude is an idiot. What would Alton, I think he means Altcoin Daily have some rando on their show to tell Ben's side in court? That's called hearsay. [00:27:58] So bottom line, I'm not going deeper on it because the drama is the drama and I said that right? I'm calling out. This is. This is crazy. You know it. Why. Why don't you call out the negatives? It doesn't matter who did it. Call out the negatives. Don't Chewbacca it. We don't care about tj. We don't care about the rest of them. It doesn't matter. Two wrongs don't make a right. [00:28:22] Because those people, from what I knew, had nothing to do with the token that these people were enticed to buy into. See, that's the difference. People are enticed to buy into a token on the promise that he was going to make it succeed, only to see him spiral into a death nail and take other people's money with them. It doesn't matter whether he directly took the money. He caused those losses. And you were complicit because you were helping to shill it. And that's the call out. It's like, just own that. Own it. Negatives on Ben. No, none of the Chewbacca. Just straight negatives on Ben. Bullet to bullet to bullet. What are the negative that he did? Call it out for what it is. Call him out for what it is. What's he gonna do? What he already did to you before, where he said, who's this guy? Crypto Bleeds? Who is that? I saw that episode. The dude never respected you. That's the problem. He didn't respect you. So why simp for him? Because he wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth a damn to begin with. That was my call and what it was. [00:29:16] So in summary, I'm not talking about that nonsense anymore. Even if it's hilarious, I'll keep the funny to myself. I'm not going to talk about it anymore. I wanted to share that because it was on my mind and it is what it is. I'm going to sit back, hope for more price drops because I want to buy some more cryptocurrency at some cheap prices, knowing it's going to go on a run. Because I would love to be able to pay this damn house off in record time.

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