Optimism Foundation Negotiates Two-Year Lockup With New Whale

March 08, 2024 00:29:02
Optimism Foundation Negotiates Two-Year Lockup With New Whale
Crypto Talk Radio: Basic Cryptonomics
Optimism Foundation Negotiates Two-Year Lockup With New Whale

Mar 08 2024 | 00:29:02


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[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to Crypto Talk radio, the podcast for everyday investors like you. Visit us on the [email protected]. And now here's your host, Leister. [00:00:13] Speaker B: Thank you for that, Bailey. And welcome, everybody out there in crypto Talk radio [email protected]. Raindrops keep falling on my head, but that doesn't mean that cryptocurrency doesn't turn, turn into the red. Although I think this is a little bit different. This is a little bit unique. Welcome or welcome back either way. And just aside, I'm tweaking audio because I needed to get my singing set up all set back the way it was. And I have a lot of different widgets and devices and whiz bangs and deals, and so my audio will change. I don't think the quality goes down. I think the quality gets better with time, like a fine wine. But just for the short term, there's going to be a little bit of shift in what you hear and how you hear. And I'm going to be tweaking and tweaking and tweaking until I'm satisfied, because that's just how I roll in the LBC crew. So I had a small personal update, nothing major, but I went through, and I was updating, getting ready for tax season, and I'm getting ready potentially to buy the home and all that. And I'm recording this actually on Friday morning because of yesterday, was this hardware thing. And so I figured, let me just crack this out and get it on the early morning. And I crunched all the numbers, and I'm like, okay, I made a pretty good amount of money last year. I was good, really good. I have money stacked in the banks, plural. And then cryptocurrency got me some stuff this year that made up for what happened last year. I will have some capital gains, but it won't apply until next year's filing, which is great. So I was in good spot. But when I was looking at some of the list, there's a different mortgage company, and they sent me a little site, and they were talking about the stuff that they needed. One of the things they said was, well, we need your telework agreement. Like, what the hell? What are you talking about? Telework agreement? I understand what a telework agreement is. I don't know why a fucking bank needs to know what my telework agreement is, just to buy a home. So I'm going to be talking to my local bank at the end of the month, and just hopefully make sure. [00:02:18] Speaker C: That'S just a one off with them, maybe. [00:02:20] Speaker B: And it's not widespread. If this is a widespread thing, that's going to piss me off. [00:02:26] Speaker C: Come on now. This is about money, okay? [00:02:28] Speaker B: It doesn't matter where I work. It doesn't matter if I work at home or I don't work. And why do you need the telework agreement? Why do you need that? [00:02:35] Speaker C: So I think what they're trying to. [00:02:37] Speaker B: Do, I can't know for sure, but. [00:02:39] Speaker C: I think in this case, what they're. [00:02:40] Speaker B: Trying to do is they're trying to use it as a proof of employment in lieu of a regular employment agreement. In other words, if you have a telework agreement, it's basically saying you get to work from home. And it's saying, here's the terms under which you can work from home, and here's the terms of the nature of what we can inspect and stuff. But that has nothing to do with the bank. I mean, the bank is out of the business. It's my house, right? If I buy it, it's mine. Whether it's a loan or not, I'm still the one who ultimately is paying the bill, not the employer. So this, if it turns out with my local bank, they require the same thing, then I'll just do it under my business and have the business buy the house for me, which I can do because I own the business, right? So I'm sharing this because if somebody else is going to be made good in this run, as I suspect some of you might, and you are in a similar situation where you're considering buying a home and maybe it's your first home. I'm warning this was a thing. And hopefully it's not widespread, because I think it's crap. Who cares, right? The bank should only care about your ability to pay them back. Like, it's really that. So that's pay stubs or invoices, maybe tax forms. That's it. It's money. It's money in, money out, not well, we need to see your telework agreement or reference. Come on, dude. Reference for what? You don't need that crap. I'm showing you. I have proof that I can pay the bill. Leave me the fuck alone. And I'm sorry, I'm fired up about it because when I saw it, and again, it could be a one off, could be this one mortgage company is just playing games with my money, like playing with my emotions. But I'm sharing this story because it may affect some people that are out there. Anyway, cryptocurrency had some ups and downs and I noticed some things on some charts that I wanted to talk about and share. [00:04:28] Speaker C: I have a little public service announcement. [00:04:30] Speaker B: Nothing major, but by and large I think it's good. I think everything's in a good spot and it doesn't look bad, but I noticed some things that might be of interest to you as a listener and on the tail end of this, then I'm going to give some bad news. Not everybody, but for most people it's going to be some bad news, I think, around cryptocurrency in general from my eyes. Let's talk numbers, shall we? Coindesk.com I'm going to zoom out to the month chart and start with bitcoin, as bitcoin had a little bit more interest to it than ethereum, although ethereum appears to be the stronger long term. A low of 66 six, a high of 68 as I speak this, and roughly just shy of 68,000. So it's holding line as I record this upward trend. Strong, powerful. I didn't see any concerns with the upward momentum expected to hit the 70,000 mark here shortly, everybody's looking like, okay, bitcoin is the thing, and I'm going to talk about this here in a second. On the Ethereum side, ethereum looks stronger to me, at least a low of 37 six, a high of 39 five hovering about the just shy of 4000 mark. So it held its line much better than bitcoin did. That's not saying bitcoin scrapping. I'm saying ethereum appears stronger to me, at least from my eyes, than bitcoin does. But there's a couple of curveballs that were thrown ever so recently. Meanwhile, many of the mean coins that were going on a major run ever so slightly started to cool off, as I expected that they did. This is why, by the way, I took my profits out. I wasn't going to leave them running. There could be more profits on deck, especially with some of these lesser ones that were near dying. Like a floki Kishu Sanshu I'm hearing has a new something. So some of these other ones that were kind of in the back wings are starting to resurge, and so there's still profit opportunities to be made if you want to get into those lesser tokens that were out there from before the run. However, I looked at all numbers across broad span. When I say broad span, I'm talking across. I'm talking not just any category of different cryptocurrencies but all the way across. And the total market cap of $2.58 trillion is significantly higher, obviously, than it was before and still trending upwards. So the strength of buy in is still there. But I looked into all the different tokens, and I noticed two things. Number one, people are taking profits. That's clear. Clear and apparent. They're taking profits. And the vast majority of the profit taking appears to be coming from finance, the exchange. That's where it appears to be. I can't say for 100%, but based on what's traded, it appears like finance is the target for a lot of the profit taking that's happening. Meanwhile, Salana is going back up again. Remember, Salana hit a peak, I want to say $320 or $350 or something, and we're roughly half that. And it's trending upward as I speak. And of course, any of the garbage tokens that are on the Salana chain or profit opportunities that it runs. Myro very most recently was running back up again. Finance, as in the BMB finance coin ran up as well. Remember finance? That coin went down, I want to say went down to like, what, $100 or something? Currently trending sharply upward on its route to about $500 per. It's about to hit its all time high again. So the BMB token itself is having a huge run. All of the tokens, though, that are on the finance chain, you don't see the same run up that you see with the BMB token. To me, as a personal opinion, that indicates people are buying into BNB in anticipation of buying into some of those. [00:08:06] Speaker C: Tokens and are not there yet. Right now, they're basically profiting off of the Solana chain and to a lesser degree, the Ethereum chain, and then taking those profits and parlaying them into bitcoin, which is next on my conversation list, and then later getting into some of the binance chains, especially when we see Ethereum's and its gas going nuts again. [00:08:25] Speaker B: I saw that the other day where the gas prices are absolutely outrageous because. [00:08:28] Speaker C: The chain is saturated, then people seem to shift back over to the ones that are cheaper. By and large, people want to buy on the Ethereum chain, though the Ethereum's traffic is nowhere. It's way higher, way higher than any. [00:08:40] Speaker B: Of the other ones not named bitcoin. So it tells me people want to transact on Ethereum. So this idea that Ethereum is dead or it's done, or the other one's going to take over, I don't see it at least not right now. I mean, if I look at the total right now, volume on Ethereum just in 24 hours is 24, just shy of $24 billion. Where if you look at Salana, which had the major run, is just shy of $10 billion. So what does that tell us? If the salana token and the salana chain and the salana, all the different garbage tokens on the Salana chain, had that much of a run up and it had roughly a third ish of what Ethereum was able to do, what does that tell you about the potential, the raw potential of what could flow into Salana and the other alt chains at some point down the road? But as of right now, Ethereum is right on the heels of bitcoin. Ethereum is just half of the 24 hours volume of bitcoin. So Ethereum still has that awareness. Ethereum is still that king not named bitcoin. Speaking of bitcoin, bitcoin is 1.3 trillion of the total market cap, with a 24 hours of $54 billion. Well, what does that tell me? It tells me that all of the profits that are coming from all these other chains is flowing that direction back. [00:09:53] Speaker C: Into bitcoin, where bitcoin is expected to. [00:09:56] Speaker B: Continue climbing, at least until there's some major dump event. All I'm saying to those listening, and this is my impression of what I see, all I'm saying is that I'm not sold on this narrative that Ethereum's dead or that Ethereum is going away or that Ethereum doesn't run it. I think Ethereum is going to continue to run it because it was arguably there before a lot of these, for the most part, and it's more ubiquitous, it's got more support, the idiot Vitalik backing it. Like there's all these factors that I think Ethereum is not going to go away and it's always going to be number two. I don't think it'll overtake bitcoin anytime in the near future, maybe at some point later, but I doubt it. Because if you think about what bitcoin, it's a general acceptance right across span. Ethereum doesn't have that, and there's too many scams out there. And the gas prices, I know they're trying to work on the gas prices. They haven't finished it yet. So until that's done, we're not going. [00:10:47] Speaker C: To see anything more than what we see right now. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Right on the heels of all these other ones I just talked about, Doge did a run up. And remember Doge went as low as like two, $0.03, currently hovering about seventeen cents. I think it peaked at like 18. Started to cool off as people took profits. But people that were talking about Doge is dead and DOJ is this and that and the other. They're just getting slapped in the face because doge keeps recovering. Now, mind you, some of the recovery of Doge is simply endemic to people taking profits from other things and buying into these other things and then causing run ups. And then the run ups ultimately are causing more fomo effects. And then there's the domino effect and something else. So think about the potential. What DOJ could do if Doge could ten x. Because remember, I believe Doge's all time high was like seventy cents. Seventy eight cents at a time. When I told people it took those years, it took eight years to get to any point of climb for Doge. So all of these take a long time to get to significant numbers. That's why they're all patient plays. If you just do a daily and you're looking at the daily chart, you're going to get frustrated. That's why I look at the month chart, because the month chart gives me the indication of the direction of a given cryptocurrency at any given point in time. That's where BMB I've always watched in the binary smart chain because that's where I was playing for the vast majority of my trades. When it was up and down, 2022 ish, I was always on the binance smart chain because it seemed like it had the most profit potential. Ethereum obviously gives you profit potential, but. [00:12:10] Speaker C: Nowhere near what BNB was doing. And then I did buy doge. And I've had doge, but I knew I just had to sit on it. [00:12:16] Speaker B: Wasn'T like something I need to day trade it. There are people who do, but the. [00:12:20] Speaker C: Profit potential wasn't there for day trading. [00:12:22] Speaker B: In my personal opinion. Separately. Then you think about Pepe. There were some people on coin market caps community who swore that Pepe wasn't going to go any higher. It's going higher. It keeps going. And I want to remind people, Pepe has less supply than Shib. Shib currently is higher than Pepe in terms of market cap overall in terms of 24 hours volume. Pepe is right on its ass though, right? Pepe's got $2 billion in 24 hours volume. Shib is just shy of $4 billion. Pepe is right on the tail. Pepe is on the climb. So I would not overlook Pepe in its opportunity to possibly overtake Shib. There's a race going on right now with these garbage tokens. There's a race. And so I think money is flip flopping between the two. There's not new money in cryptocurrency. Even right now, we still have people coming back in that were out for an extended period of time. So until we get to those new people coming in, we're not going to see the downstream impact of what this means for some of these. Remember, Pepe doesn't do anything, just like Shib doesn't do anything. And I would argue some of this, in this race, loss of that momentum for Shib is because the team keeps coming out with crap. They keep talking about this NfT garbage and the naming crap and all this stuff. That's not going to move the needle. And the vast majority of traders may not even be aware it's there, even. [00:13:39] Speaker C: If they do care. The vast majority of traders are all. [00:13:41] Speaker B: About price and whatever moves the price, and that's going to be shibarium, which they have not heavily focused on to this day. To this day, shibarium doesn't do anything yet. And until it substantially does something, you're not going to see significant price movements on Shib, which is going to allow some of this other garbage to overtake it. Do I think that that lasts forever? No, I think that at some point Shib is going to get some more momentum back. But think of how much money is going to be lost in the short term because some of those people may never come back. [00:14:09] Speaker C: Some of those ship traders may just. [00:14:10] Speaker B: Say, screw it, I'm just not coming. [00:14:12] Speaker C: Back to this garbage. [00:14:13] Speaker B: They're not doing anything to benefit me. [00:14:14] Speaker C: The low level trader. [00:14:16] Speaker B: And we have to be okay with that outcome if that happens to be the outcome. The other part I want to talk about, which this caught my eye, and it was interesting because I've never talked about it, optimism, which is a different chain, the optimism foundation. I'm talking specifically around what happened, not the token itself. The reason I've not paid attention to the optimism token or the foundation or the chain or anything else is because I didn't really have a reason to. There was no compelling reason to give any attention to it. That doesn't say it's crap or bad or any of that. Just I look for a compelling reason to invest my money, like I would encourage everybody here to do. I want to make sure you are looking for. Give me a reason that I should give you my money. I mean, that should be the number one thing on your mind, give me a reason why I should give you my money. And if you can't justify why I should give you my money, I'm not going to give you my money. That's my opinion on how I think you should handle it. But it's ultimately up to you what you choose to do with your own money. So I never had a compelling reason to buy into it. It's a decent chain for what it is. I didn't see anything wrong, necessarily. I didn't see anything bad. Its price movement is pretty conservative. It doesn't have any sort of significant profit opportunity to it. Maybe you can get a ten x 20 x at the most. It's not going to make you a millionaire unless you yoloed into it, which I would never tell you to do. But there were some recent transactions that happened and I was inspired seeing it. And I would like to see more. [00:15:48] Speaker C: Token projects that are managed do this. [00:15:51] Speaker B: Obviously in a descend world, this is not something that could be done. [00:15:54] Speaker C: Here's the thing. [00:15:55] Speaker B: I think something like this would have been great for like Luna Classic or. [00:16:00] Speaker C: Other managed, I'll say, quote managed chains. [00:16:03] Speaker B: I think it would be great if. [00:16:04] Speaker C: They all would do it. [00:16:05] Speaker B: Obviously they don't want that smoke, but. [00:16:06] Speaker C: If they did, I want to tell you what happened and tell you why. [00:16:09] Speaker B: I'm so positive about it. [00:16:11] Speaker C: And it creates, at least for me. [00:16:13] Speaker B: A bullish sentiment about its long term, about the future. So what happens is they had a whale that wanted to buy a significant amount of these tokens for the optimism. The token they wanted to buy a significant amount. Like when we say whale, I mean there's levels to whale in bitcoin land. You saw like the blackrocks and whoever else, and they're buying tens of thousands of bitcoin, crazy amounts of bitcoin, basically creating centralization, if we're honest with ourselves, right? And they can just do it because it's out there for sale, it's whatever it is. And bitcoin is not really a managed something. It's just out there for transactions that if people are selling, people can buy it with optimism. They had a transaction, the whale had a transaction that they agreed to with the whale to buy just shy of 20 million of these tokens. And how they did this is instead of the open market, they sold the tokens from the treasury. So they had a treasury for them to do what they need to do to manage the foundation, to manage the chain and everything else. They have this treasury set aside for their capital so that's number one. They were smart enough to allocate tokens separate from the rest of the trade pool that they can use as a working capital source instead of what most of these sketchy ones do, which is they'll hold individual bags and then they'll. [00:17:31] Speaker C: Dump off the bags or whatever, like. [00:17:33] Speaker B: A terrarium, where they'll straight up tell you, yeah, you're not entitled to any liquidity that kind of garbage. This was smarter. It was thought out, right? They thought we probably should have some way to manage regular expenses as they. [00:17:47] Speaker C: All need to do it, but they planned for it. It wasn't just a random sell just because terrarium doing a pump saying, hey, binance us, whatever, and then just dumping tokens when everybody bought the rumor. This was smart, it was thought out. And I was very impressed with the level of professionalism of the decision to even allocate that. But second, to negotiate a sale so you have a whale, they want to buy in and they say, yeah, we. [00:18:13] Speaker B: Want to get in. [00:18:14] Speaker C: It's a significant amount. Let's talk it out like a real business would do. Let's talk it out. Let's understand impact. How can we make this happen? Here's what I'm trying to do. And in this case, what happened is. [00:18:27] Speaker B: This is just shy of $100 million as I speak. But as part of this agreement, apparently the whale basically said, look, I am not trying to dump on it. I'm not trying to sell on you or nothing. And I see long term with this business and I want to support it. I want to support your bottom line. I want to support the foundation of this one for its foreseeable future. It's very akin to what you'd get if you had somebody who said, you know what I see long term in Amazon, back when Amazon was trading for like $2 a share, and I see long term, and I want to put a significant amount of money against this to see to its future. They make this agreement, and as part of the agreement, this whale agreed, no, go ahead and just lock up the tokens for two years. It's fine. I don't need that as long as I can still transact it. So you can create a lock on the ability to sell because I'm not going to, but I still should have all the benefits of being able to do because you have a stake, right? And there's still the ability to do governance against it. So you get all the benefits of. [00:19:32] Speaker C: Being a holder, but you just can't buy or sell. You can buy more but you can't sell, right? Dump off the project. So you can't harm the project, but you can benefit as being a holder, and you're contributing to its bottom. Think about all of this. Think about how amazing that could have been if everybody involved with Luna Classic had a mind of the business and they understood what it took to recover from something like this. You think about it from a business perspective. You are negotiating with where money is coming from. And it's not the kids that say. [00:20:02] Speaker B: The word jeet and say the word. [00:20:03] Speaker C: Tech and nfts and crap. It is. We have a business plan. We have a strategy, we have a roadmap, we have a website. We know what we're trying to do. We are smart about how we allocate so that we're not dumping off the project. [00:20:15] Speaker B: And then we do negotiations. [00:20:16] Speaker C: We actually talking about what we're going to do. And then we create lockup plans that are not rip offs. Because you still have governance capability and. [00:20:25] Speaker B: You could still delegate, you could still stake, you could do all the other stuff. As a holder of this. It's just that you can't sell for two years, and apparently that's cool with you, right? So you're coming to the table as business, right? Think of how that could have been for Luna Classic. Think of how powerful that would have been for Titano. Think of what could have been for these projects that didn't act like a business and where they would be now. Taitano alone. Think of where it would be now in this bull run, where Tatano started and where it might be now if they were smarter about that whale. Instead of stealing from them. You sit at the table, you negotiate it, you create a lockup plan. It's possible the whale just said, screw it, I want to sell. That's my money. I want to sell. Okay, let them sell. Don't blacklist the motherfucker. So I'm inspired seeing at least one token project act like a business. At least one. The vast majority don't. [00:21:19] Speaker C: Some of them can't. [00:21:20] Speaker B: But in this case, the vast majority. [00:21:22] Speaker C: Simply don't because they don't want to. And so I'm giving a shout out to optimism, seeing this happen and seeing. [00:21:27] Speaker B: And this is what I want more of. I want to see more of this. [00:21:29] Speaker C: Kind of negotiation to find, because that's. [00:21:32] Speaker B: What you would do in regular business. You would identify who wants to be that angel investor. You would create a lockup plan to. [00:21:39] Speaker C: Where they can't sell for a period of time, which, on the stock side is easy on crypto. [00:21:43] Speaker B: Apparently it can be done if you. [00:21:45] Speaker C: Do it right and you act like a business. I want to see more of this. [00:21:48] Speaker B: I want to see more where we're. [00:21:50] Speaker C: Identifying sources of wealth that we can create lockups. Because if you say, okay, if it's over a certain threshold, and just be smart about it, whatever the threshold is over a certain threshold, you're subject to this lockup, vesting or whatever. In this case, it's a lockup, not a vesting. But you could do either. You could say, well, we'll vest it over every year. You can sell x percent of something, whatever, or every month you can sell whatever. If you could think about it, and I would imagine there's a lot of people out there that would buy in. It's like there's long term to what we see here, and there's an opportunity for the return to be significant. [00:22:29] Speaker B: You talk about the price of optimism as I record this. The price of optimism as I record this is $4.60. $4.60. Imagine if they're able to entice enough people into this foundation that I'm describing. Let's say this guy goes ten x, right? The return is huge. And ten x is not unreasonable. It's not for something like this. Especially if they can deliver the products that they say that they're going to do and during bull runs, and if they can stabilize inflow, right. If they can stabilize the amount of people coming in and get the awareness out that it's there and how it's better than other chains, ten x is not unheard of at all. And then you think in the next two years, it's easily going to double. So, okay, you get your money back and you make this profit. That's huge, right? That's the sell. If you find the wealth out there, that's the sell. That's how you sell them on what they could potentially do. If they're willing to agree to lockups terms or even vesting plans. But you're transparent about it. You're not going to pink scam, you're not going all this shady business, and you just come to the table and talk it out. I was very inspired by it and I wanted to share the story. If it sounds like I'm excited about the potential of it, I am, because I want more projects to do this. I want more projects to do things like this, because that's where you're going to get new money back in, is finding those ones who they might have wanted to get in but they want more assurance and they want people to act like a business, and that's been lacking, in my opinion. Now let me close out with the bad news. I'm sorry. I don't want to even talk about it. I did a brief video on YouTube. It's like three minutes long. Because I want to at least get some awareness up front. But I'm sorry, the car salesman is back and there's a funny story behind him being back. But I'm sorry that he's back. He didn't want to go away. And it doesn't matter. He's going to rip people off again because that's what he does. And there's people who are suckers and they're in Stockholm syndrome. I understand that he's back again. He's shilling another project as a piece of crap, just like the other projects. And there's no mention of all the other stuff that he did. But for those that were following, because there might be some one off person listening to the show that heard me talk about the diehards in Seifu. And they said, this guy, he had it right. They just want to come back in my credit. [00:24:48] Speaker C: But he had it right. He tried to warn me. I didn't listen. Let me listen to him now. There may be one or two people in there. If you're out there, hit [email protected]. Hit the contact form. Let me know you're out there. [00:24:58] Speaker B: But the car sell in his back. [00:25:00] Speaker C: With this garbage project. Now, in Seifu, there was this dude named Daniel Prado. And I talked about him once on an old episode. This guy is the definition of balls. [00:25:10] Speaker B: Nuts. [00:25:12] Speaker C: There's something wrong with this guy. He looks like he's straight out of the mob. He looks like a mob version of the Jersey shore. Like he just looks like he's. And he's nuts. First he'll talk and then he'll switch it. So he's like, yeah, fuck with me. He snaps and he's weird. It's this fascinating thing, watching his video. He fancies himself an influence. [00:25:37] Speaker B: He's on YouTube if you want to. [00:25:38] Speaker C: Check his garbage out. But I don't know. He films from his car. He's got a bunch of stuff in the backseat, like it's an office. So I don't know if he's homeless. I don't know. He did some other thing with some girl who looked pretty decent. [00:25:51] Speaker B: I don't know anything about this guy. All I know is he was the biggest freaking supporter of the car salesman you could ever meet. I couldn't understand it because every evidence was out there that this was going to happen with Seifu, from coffeezilla to my coverage to multiple other people. And so this new one, I actually tracked down at least the top four that I could recall. And there's these secondary garbages, but the top four, in case you're curious, the tags, clever defi Fitrova, Seifu. Obviously there's the Vulcan blockchain garbage and the Seifu go garbage. And the Seifu x garbage. So there's all these tertiary things that he's also ripped people off on. But if you're interested, I do recommend you check my quick video I did about this. Heck, I think it's hectic. But hect turkey. And then the irony was his face in the image. He looks like a turkey if you look like. So maybe that was the inspiration. I don't know. And apparently he's gone bald. So he doesn't have his hair. [00:26:45] Speaker C: But he keeps posting these old photos. [00:26:47] Speaker B: Of him from way back when he had hair. [00:26:49] Speaker C: But apparently he's bald now. There was a video between him and I don't know where it came from. I don't know if it was on chain because apparently on chain is back. [00:26:59] Speaker B: Outlaw much? [00:27:00] Speaker C: So he's back, apparently. I didn't see it, but apparently he's back. [00:27:04] Speaker B: And he did a call and I. [00:27:05] Speaker C: Think this was with Daniel Prado. And Daniel Prado, he's cussing out Brian legend and Brian legend's the Car salesman. That's what I say. [00:27:11] Speaker B: Brian legend. [00:27:12] Speaker C: He's responding. He's talking about, I didn't do anything. [00:27:15] Speaker B: I did, same as he always does. [00:27:18] Speaker C: And there's going to be simps and suckers that get taken for this guy. And I'm sorry. [00:27:23] Speaker B: We try to run him out of the business. [00:27:24] Speaker C: It's not going to work because the car salesmen are going to keep on doing what car salesmen do as long. [00:27:29] Speaker B: As you keep letting it happen. [00:27:31] Speaker C: So spread the word if you're aware and maybe you got ripped off by seifu because you didn't listen to [email protected]. Or maybe you're in one of the other projects and you got ripped. Whatever. Spread the word about this guy, please. Because we're trying to keep people safe and keep people away from this garbage, especially during the bull run. See, that's what it was. He strategically waited till the bull run started and then came up with this garbage because he knew people were just jumping into red over mean coins is if you're going to jump into a meme coin, at least jump into something with a decent name. Heck, turkey is not what first comes to my mind as a credible project. Especially not when Kishu was running up 300%. I mean, there's better projects out there. Even if they're garbage. They're at least less garbage than the car salesman. That's all I'm saying. [00:28:13] Speaker B: Let's keep people safe, folks. It's a shady business out there. Stay safe. Please don't yolo into stuff. It's up to you. It's your money. I can't tell what to do with it, but you know, keep yourself safe. It's a dangerous world out there for sure.

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