$SHIB Breaches Final Points Of Resistance And Surges Before Halloween

October 27, 2021 00:10:00
$SHIB Breaches Final Points Of Resistance And Surges Before Halloween
Crypto Talk Radio: Basic Cryptonomics
$SHIB Breaches Final Points Of Resistance And Surges Before Halloween

Oct 27 2021 | 00:10:00


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[00:00:00] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Crypto traders worldwide. Shib is on a bull run again. It has breached past the five so four zeros and a five level, currently at four zeros and a six. So not only did it breach the previous Alltime high, which is four zeros and three eight, not only did it then set a new alltime high at four and then a new Alltime high at five, but then continued to send another all time high at six. The interesting thing about Shiv's surge today is that Saitama is absolutely tanking and has been doing so for the past couple days. This might or might not. I'm not making any guarantees and I don't have insider information, but this might or might not represent people who are potentially selling out of Saitama to buy into Shib to take advantage of FOMO getting in early, although it's not really early, could be that, or it could simply be a natural pump because as I mentioned on a previous episode, there would be a struggle and it was for a few days there to get out of that range for all time high, three four and three eight, four and five, simply because there were so many. We knew early adopters who were sitting on bags who were frustrated because they wanted to get out and we didn't know how many there were, how many tokens were at play. We didn't have very much specificity as to what Shib might be up against, but it was pretty obvious there was going to run into some resistance, but we didn't know how much. And I even said I settled on roughly about five to six as the next it is just over six. I expect a plateau, but I could very well be wrong. If there aren't any remaining large bag holders, certainly there's going to be some people who cash out just because it's now significantly above previous all time high. And so if there was some last remaining people that were sitting on multiple ETh of the stuff and don't want to hold it all the way to where it's going to go, that could play a factor. [00:02:07] A lot of people might question the reason. I guarantee you that there's been a lot more holders because Shib has received a lot more mainstream exposure. I would argue that it's a lot more popular than it was before. I would argue that if you were to now see Shib in the LIght that people who have been holding See it, you would understand. And there's like the cryptocurrency subreddit, which is a bunch of toxicity to them. If it's UndEr a dollar. IT's Crap. There's that crowd. They're still out there. But I think you have a larger segment, clearly the majority, not the minority, who are dealing with this and trying to make this work. And the community support behind the Token is outrageous. Not in a bad way, but outrageous as in shocking, stunning, amazing, because it is very similar to the organic rise of doge when it first started, except that it's the anti Elon Musk. Like having Elon Musk tweet, heard it for a bit and then went back up. But it's not dependent on Elon Musk tweeting every single time about how great it is. And it has some celebrity Support. I wouldn't say mainstream or major celebrities, but it has some celebrity support. That's always a good Didn't. And this I found appealing about it. It didn't rely, for the most Part, on the whole Vegas launch of a Gimmick to get more exposure. It just kind of sat in the Cut, as they used to say, and DId Its thing Until it got to this point. So I don't know from here how high it goes. That'S an open question. [00:03:56] I'm simply calling out it is on a Surge. It is climbing at a Pretty rapid pace considering how many tokens are in circulation. [00:04:05] As far as the volume, it's exceeded 20 billion. It has a 24 billion market cap. The 24 billion market cap is, ironically lower. Significantly lower than DoGE, I belIeve, by a pretty good MArgin. [00:04:23] I Can look, but I have to go into my other Wallet. But the market cap that I see has an interesting. Yeah, so it's lower by $10 billion. [00:04:34] Well, let's say that Shib still has that 10 billion to grow, which we don't know, because inventory plays a factor, and Shib has a significantly larger inventory than doge ever did. So if we look at the total inventory of a Doge and the circulating supply, DoGE has 131,000,000,000 that are in circulation right now. [00:04:56] Token. Just under 132,000,000,000 in circulation. It's been tanking with Doge. I can certainly imagine sell offs not only because of the FOMO, but just Doge. There may have been some flak with what's happened with Elon and him basically shilling Doge, as it were. DogE is this. Doge is the people's coin. All my employees have been a. There may have been a revolt, a minor revolt against that, and some sell off from people who were turned off by that messaging. That's the problem with having these so called influencers literally influencing the path of tokens? Because it can backfire. As Dorian Gray says, empires crumble. There are no exceptions. And so I don't know, again, how high the thing will go. I don't know if it's truly sustained growth. I expect that it'll grow to a plateau and then it will taper off and settle down into whatever its true new all time high is going to be. [00:06:01] I don't know if there's enough movement. As of right now, there's a significant volume and way more circulating supply, clearly, but I don't know enough about the real reasons for this significant amount of a spike to be able to predict what the plateau is going to be. [00:06:23] I'm probably going to check in tomorrow and see what the percentages look like. If it turns out that the percentages have tapered off by the end of the day, it'll tell me we're getting close to Plateau and then I can pin down roughly where that number is going to settle. If I had a raw guess just based on Velocity alone, I wouldn't be surprised if it hit four zeros and a seven before the end of the month. It wouldn't surprise me. Is it going to happen? I don't know. Because you got to think also the organic factor, right? There could be people out there who trickortreating as far as I know, is still a thing. Fauci gave his blessing, as it were. So trickortreating still a thing. You don't know what effect that has. You could have just an organic awareness, go out with kids trying to get candy. I personally am against Halloween, but you could still have that as another point of awareness to those households that don't know about it by way of kids outfits. I hope they don't pimp the kids out like that. But it could happen, especially in other areas where it's less of an issue. [00:07:28] More rural areas, say so. That could be a factor that could play into it. Any Shib type candy. So maybe you are a patissieri or a candy maker of some kind and you make shib candies because you support it and you give that out to kids. There's all sorts of opportunity to bank on these days of awareness. It's not even that it's a holiday. It's just a day of awareness that you can get creative with your outfits and your gimmicks and then create awareness that wasn't there just because of that. And then it's a different vibe to it. That might be just enough to cause it to get to four zeros and an eight. I would be shocked if it went to four zeros and an eight simply because that's a lot of volume it would take to get that high. But I did maintain a prediction before that. I don't see a reason that you wouldn't have dropped another zero by Q One, and we're on track to do that. It might actually exceed my expectations. But I'm also realistic about the whales that potentially could sell out. I'm realistic about others that might still be lingering that were from all time high in the past, from the initial all time high. I'm realistic about people who are, for whatever reason. It's just that FOMO of let me get out now and just take my money and go. There's so many other factors that I play in when I predict these things. [00:09:01] I could be way off in the four zeros and an eight and it could just simply blow past my expectations. [00:09:08] But I'm also very conservative in the prediction, so keep an eye on it. And I would say keep an eye for the next four days because that's going to be telling as to whether it's a one time pump or it's a sustained growth. And I would say watch Doge and Satama and Shib and others like kIshu. Because if you start seeing that Shib is just growing and everything else is falling, it could theoretically indicate a mass buy in where people are selling off other tokens just to get in and get a bag of their own before it hits. If it hits one penny, because once it hits a penny, if you put enough money in there, it can make you a millionaire if it gets that high. So some people might be reacting to that, too. It's an interesting time for tokens, and this one in particular is a standout amongst the rest.

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