Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial Allegedly Built By Ex-Dough Finance Developers; And How to #DCA

September 04, 2024 00:32:49
Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial Allegedly Built By Ex-Dough Finance Developers; And How to #DCA
Crypto Talk Radio: Basic Cryptonomics
Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial Allegedly Built By Ex-Dough Finance Developers; And How to #DCA

Sep 04 2024 | 00:32:49


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Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial Allegedly Built By Ex-Dough Finance Developers; And How to #DCA


#Crypto #Cryptocurrency #podcast #BasicCryptonomics

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Welcome to Crypto Talk radio, the podcast for everyday investors like you. Visit us on the [email protected]. dot and now here's your host, Leister. Thank you for that, Bailey. And welcome, everybody out there on crypto talk radio [email protected]. dot. Crazy stuff. A bunch of nonsense, a bunch of whatever. There's a lot. I'm not even talking crypto, I'm talking general. Right. So schools back in session. I think it's elementary. I'm not sure, but schools back in session. So these numb nuts that don't know how to park. Cause, you know, I'm, I'm affected simply because my home is literally right in front of like three schools. And so they, these parents don't know what they're doing. There's signs that say, you're not supposed to stop here at any time. They ignore it. The, they don't enforce it. There's no traffic enforcement. So I saw the street sweeper. He couldn't sweep the street like he needed to. Cause these numb nuts. And then I, then school, it's, you know, I come from an era where to walk to school, you know, and I'm trying to think of how many miles I walked to school every day. I was trying to figure it out, but because I walked, I didn't really put too much thought into it. And then when I drove it, I wasn't paying attention like I should have. I can map it because I know where the schools were. I know. To elementary school, I'm fairly certain that was not a mile away. Fairly certain it was not probably about, maybe 0.75. I know that the middle school, there's no way it was less than 3 miles. There's no way it was. The high school, I'm going to guess, was probably about 3 miles, right on stretch. So I walked. Okay. Okay. Every day to middle school for sure. High school for sure. [00:01:50] Back and forth. Very rarely got picked up. Sometimes my brother picked me up. It was rare. Usually I'm stroll, I'm footing it. High school, there was a time I borrowed my mom's car and drove it, but that was it. Other than that, I'm hoofing it. And then a friend of mine, he got a car before I did, so he was able to drive. And sometimes he would drop me off, but that was rare. Usually I'm hoofing it, right? So 6 miles every day. And that, folks, is the reason why, first of, my knees are jacked up. Second, my ankles are jacked up. But more importantly, that was the reason, you know, I learned to appreciate what that was. And these people, every day, there's just cars and cars and cars driving their kids to school and then driving to go pick up their kids. Like, where did we go wrong in this? Why are we in this world of having to rely on this luxury situation? That's why these kids are spoiled. That's why they act like this. That's why crimes out of nuts. And that's why the kid don't know how to act, and they don't know how to speak because they're coddled. They don't. It's like, you need to. I understand. Okay. Crime. [00:02:51] I don't think that's a problem because most of the kids look like they're the criminals. Setting that aside. So that's my rant is now the school's back in, because when I bought the house, it was at the tail end of the school season, so I didn't get to experience the start of school or, you know, the middle school's not in yet, so I didn't. This is new for me. And I'm watching, and I'm like, gosh, these freaking parents are spoiling these kids separately. I don't know if you heard about what happened with Nikki Bella from WWE. So she. She was. The whole big thing was she was engaged with John Cena, and love of John Cena. John Cena. After one of the pay per views, I think it was Wrestlemania, engaged her on live freaking tv, pay per view tv, got on the knee and engaged. The whole big story is that he would never marry her. They didn't want to have kids. And then he relented. And then after the fact, they break up. [00:03:40] She's then hooks up with her Dancing with the Stars partner, this artem dude. And I looked at that at the time, and I'm like, this feels like a bad. Feel, like a rush because it happened, like, not that long after she broke up with John. So either there was an affair going on or whatever. I'm not saying there was. I'm saying it's kind of suspicious. The short span of time between when she was with John and when she ended up with this dude fresh off the show. So then fast forward. She goes on a podcast with the dudes, one of the dudes ex girlfriends, and she's telling about always kind of, he talks like this, and we're actually in therapy about this right now. And I'm like, is that not a red flag to you? Okay, you're already in therapy, they don't, they ain't even been, I don't even think they'd have been in the relationship for a year at that point. And you're already in therapy because of the way he talks. He talks like he's talking down on you or that he's angry at you and you're nothing. Putting two and two together here, like, what the heck's going on? [00:04:33] She puts stuff on social media about I need you. I can't imagine life without you. And I love all this death that. And then a couple days after this, there's a 911 call coming from him, and then it gets canceled, which is weird. And when that happens, the police get dispatched. They go out there, they apparently allegedly see that there's injuries on Nikki, and so they take him into custody. She then context of divorce lawyers. This whole day feel like you just went on social media talking about how you can't live without this dude and how you love this dude. Like, how do we go wrong in society? How do we go wrong where these numb nuts are getting the girls, these nice girls, the attractive ones only. And it's like, dude, this guy had like four girls before you. Was it not red flag obvious? And that's what I don't understand. Anybody, like, who has any insight, please hit us [email protected]. and let us know what the story is because I'm struggling that as a guy, I struggle that, and I'm not a home wrecker, so I'm not going to try to swoop in. Never, never would I. And I'm not captain save a whole, but I'm frustrated what I see. Anyway, let's talk cryptocurrency. Get out of the way. [00:05:43] we're going to zoom out to the month chart and we're going to start with bitcoin because it's a little more frustrating. I want to get it out of the way first. Coryde. So in the munch art, it's obviously clearly headed all the way down. We've lost significant levels of gain, not all of them, but significant levels of gain, some from some of the recoup that we did after the major drop. Still on target. People estimated, multiple people estimate it's headed into the 40,000. So right now it's about 57 seven, a high of 59 eight. So it's like it tried to hold the line and it just didn't work. And it's headed on the way back down because it's trending down as I record this. And so people are kind of concerned, well, what does this mean for the bigger picture? And I can't say except the same thing I've been saying to be the truth, which is what I believe, is that this is a buying opportunity. If you want to be in any of these main coins, for main chain coins, this is your key buying opportunity. That is a rare situation, because we expect that all of these are going to have a run up at some point later. Now, I acknowledge and I understand that for some people, it's not easy to have money you could just throw at multiple projects. I got it. I'm not telling you that you should throw more money, although if you have that spirit, by all means. I'm saying that these are buying opportunities, however you do it. I've not added any new money into cryptocurrency in minimum a year. The money I have, I'm just kind of floating it between projects, as I see. And I'll talk about that a little bit later. But as I see, okay, this one over here, it's gonna have some problems for a while. This one over here, it looks like it's about to do a run up. Let me go and shift some money over there and then kind of balance it out. This one gets to a major point, like Trump 2024, it hit a major point, took the profit. So the over, took that profit, bought into this one over here to replenish it. So in that case, it was bone. And I just kind of flip it, because for me, I'm watching and saying, where can, where is this money that I've got best used? And I identify what that might be. One project, it might be five, it doesn't matter. I take it and I shift it where it seems like it's getting the best bank from the buck, knowing I don't plan to put any more money in there. Now, I say that. I say that I am waiting to see how low we go on, specifically ethereum. But how low do we go with this business? Because another opportunity to get in at that $12,000, you better believe I'd be getting all in that. But I don't see we're going that low. So right now, I'm just kind of playing the middle field, knowing it's gonna go down. In short, no problem. I can still work it. It doesn't have to be the freak out that I see a lot of people doing. There are people out right now, it's coin market caps, community. They're still doing it. There are people who swear again. Tokens that have no devs, it's renowned, it's got nothing going on. They swear it's scammed. And they're like, dude, do you not understand? This damn thing launched right when we were going down. So it's not just your token. You see what's happened to a bitcoin. Bitcoin peaked at $70,000. It's currently $57,000. What does that tell you? If it's gone down that much, imagine how much this is being suppressed. So you figure if it gets back to 70,000, imagine how much that's going to run up. And they don't get it. They don't understand. And you look at the holder count, it hasn't decreased. So what's that telling you? It's telling you that everybody is holding the line except for your ass. And everybody else understands that the value is suppressed, but they're not letting it get to them. They're not freaking out. They're not going nuts, they're not going crazy, they're not going balls out like you are. So why are you doing this? And I don't understand this. And that's why I'm saying, for me, I said, almost step back and just create a different strategy in this perfect time where I can stack more and then play the field. Even on Solana, which was going down, some people listening to the show might have come from the thorium ecosystem slash liberal ecosystem. The thorium bank still works. It still distributes, it still does the whole nine. It's just nobody's adding to it. Nobody's new, there's no traffic, nobody's buying into it. After they did the whole burn, the total supply garbage that they did. But what's there still does accumulate. So I got like $30 worth of Solana. Now it's Solana, the binance chain, but it's, it's paired from a price perspective to the main solana. So it's going to have a positive trend. Well, right now, Solana's down from, I think it's like a third down for its all time high. Well, that's free money. It's throw away money. It didn't cost me anything. Obviously, there was the investment in the bank, but at the end of the day, I accepted that risk. I knew what I was up against, and I knew what was going to happen, and it's still free money for what comes to me. I didn't have to do anything for it. So I take those, I take these little bits of these things. And add them to the wallet. And I've not added any new money into any of the cryptocurrencies because I'm waiting to see how low they can go. I want them to go as low as they can possibly tolerate and freak everybody out as much as they can to get that freaking price. As low as I can get it so I can get in on that bad boy and stack as much as I want. I'm gonna be talking about bitcoin in particular because I noticed some weird stuff, but that's mentally where I'm at. For those curious, that's where I'm at. I'm waiting for it to go down. I want it to go down. I want to go lower. [00:10:45] There are ways for those that don't have the money to still play. I'll tell you about that here in a moment. [00:10:54] World liberty. I like the dollar. President Trump retweeted it. It came from his kid, actually. [00:11:00] World Liberty financial. World Liberty financial is one of these mystery projects. The whole white paper was released ever so recently. People were doing some analysis, trying to figure out what's going on with this and is it a scam? What's the deal? So I'm not going to go any deeper into what this is doing, because for me, I think that because it's Trump, it's going to run no matter what. And because it's Trump, it's going to look bad for him if it craps. But because it's Trump, it might actually be a sell point for it to crap. Follow me tenfold. Follow me here. So the whole thing with this is that the. It turns out that the people behind this world Liberty financial allegedly were behind scams. When I say scams, I don't mean that they scammed it specifically. I'm saying that they ended up being scams. They ended up scamming people out of their money. Now, I don't know if that's just a happenstance thing. I don't have any deets on this. I am saying that because it's associated to companies that were connected to a scam, people did deeper digging and found that, okay, there's a linked code. Now, this is common because contracts often are derivatives of another project that happened in the past. And then what they'll do is they'll tweak it to fix the flaws, or at least try to, or allegedly do. That's how Libero, that's why I mentioned it. That's how Libero became a thing. They took Titano's code and they allegedly tried to fix it with all these different mechanics and things. Notice Titano doesn't exist anymore, by the way. Libro doesn't exist, but thorium still does. So who was left standing? Were they successful? I say no, because liberals did right. But the point is, this is a common practice in the blockchain side, is to take a derivative of a code and try to fix it and re release it as a new project. Whether or not your intentions are good, most of the main ones you're aware of, the flokis and the key shoes and the satamas, and all these are derivatives of shib. At the end of the day, you look at the code, they've done tweaks, they've added stuff, they've added proxies, they've done all these gimmicks to try to differentiate themselves from the initial one. But the bottom line is, they're derivatives from a main contract of some kind. So when people acknowledge that this is basically a derivative code for this, there's no evidence that this is a scam per se, simply that there are connections to who wrote those scam projects to this new world, liberty financial, and the possibility that this could also scam you, not because of malicious intent, but simply because of some sort of vulnerability in the code. People scan the code. I have not, but others scan the code. Did not see any vulnerabilities in the code to date. Now, here's why I said that maybe this is a good thing, perhaps, just follow me. Tinfoil. Perhaps it would be a good thing for this to actually end up ripping people off. Why it's going to look bad for Donald Trump if that happens. But it gives him ammunition to say, this is why we need strong regulations. This is why we need a better approach than just simply locking people up. This is why we need better guardrails around this stuff. But this is also why we need to better embrace it. Because part of the reason that this is happening is that it's underground. So they're acting in the shadows, and people are have risk getting ripped off. And he has talk points. I'm not saying he should do that. I'm saying that if something were to happen, it might actually be a good thing for him, where he can turn it into a positive and net positive and use it as justification. And it's a learning lesson for his kids. If his kids are knowingly partnering up with somebody who was associated with a garbage project, it's a learning lesson for them. If they get their ass handed to them, to say, this is why you don't do that, folks, and maybe you need to stay out of the business and let Donald Trump fix the stuff. The flip on this is, if it does turn into this, it gives ammunition to the other side. The only saving grace is that Kamala is not smart enough to use that to her advantage. She'll use it as a basic talk point, but she doesn't understand it. And it actually. It actually strengthens her lack of argument, which is that she believes that it's for criminal, nefarious activities. If it turns out that it's a scam, not because of Trump, but because of somebody else, does that mean that it was a criminal activity? Yes, because the crime was committed. However, without regulatory guardrails around the stuff, how can you attribute a specific crime to it which lends to Trump? It's an intriguing situation that I wish they had not gone this route with this. I understand why they thought it made sense, but I don't think it's a good idea. I think the better idea for them is what I said. I would have. If I were advising Trump, I would have just bought one of these other networks, Polygon or Phantom? Phantom. Probably one of these other ones that's struggling. I'd have bought it, rebranded it Trump, Taj Mahal, or whatever you want to do, and then it's going to run simply because you're attached to the thing. But it's already well established in most cases, like take Cardano. Cardano struggling right now. If Trump bought Cardano, Cardano is going to run way past where it is guaranteed just because it's Trump and it's largely stable. Cardano hasn't had any major issues. That's because nobody uses the damn thing. Nobody uses the damn thing because nobody has a compelling case to use the damn thing. But if Trump's associated with it and Trump's able to sell others to get on board with what it's doing, and he's able to make that succeed, to me, that would have been a better avenue to getting past that. Now, I don't know beyond what we saw here of what it's going to do, other than the fact that they're going to do borrowing and lending services, which I wish they wouldn't do, but that's what they plan to do. Apparently, I'm going to be digging into the white paper whenever I'm bored, which isn't commonly, but whenever I'm bored, I'm going to dig into this white paper and see what information I can glean out of this business. And hopefully I don't see anything that's, you know, a freak out moment, but hopefully it's something where it has some appeal outside of being associated with Trump, and it's not going to be like some of these ones that have craft under the poof here or whatnot. Hopefully it's something that has some meat to it is the, that's the whole crossfit. Speaking of Polygon, I talked about polygons getting ready to. They're ramping up to released their new Pol token. I talked about this on an older episode a while back where they were trying to get away from the old matic token, turn up a new Pol token. They're going to do a swap to the new token. Now, of course, it's a token for the chain, so you need it for gas. That's why you would have it. I give this update because it's possible you might have some. Whether you're holding it for transactional reasons, or you're holding it for investment reasons, or you have it in an exchange, it's important that you're aware this is going to happen. I can't say how the exchanges are going to handle it. I assume it's a clean one to one, but I can't say I don't have data at this point. I'm simply giving a heads up that it is going to be a different token. They plan to actually introduce an emissions type process. Emissions is the same thing that doge has. So doge prints all the time, and I want to say it's like 10,000 tokens every whatever, but it's like it prints all the time. So it is an infinite supply and it prints all the time to keep up with the perceived demand. That was the thought of it when Shib and the others came out, the whole thought was, well, we want to do it differently. We don't want to do that. We want to put a fixed supply and encampment more and so on. It didn't work, but obviously those tokens are valued higher than doge, primarily because of the incessant printing that happens on doge. So the plan with this one is to now introduce more and, you know, supply on this over time, but also to make it easier to issue new supply and manage it better over time. I don't know, because those doesn't do anything right. Whereas Polygon has some things going on, it has some apps going on in its layer where this might actually be a good thing to have this new admission rate. It might encourage more validators to the chain? I can't say. I'm saying that there's a lot of upside to what they're doing, but there's also some downside in terms of price movement. Look out for some sort of an announcement I'm assuming is going to be coming your way with respect to how they're going to handle this business. I can't. I don't have enough information to know right now. Speaking of bitcoin, people started doing digging and they noticed that bitcoin itself, at its current rate, 57,000, trending slightly downward, somewhere between 58 and 57, but headed in a downward direction. Wrapped bitcoin, which is a token on the Ethereum chain and it represents a wrapped variant of bitcoin, but it's traded on Ethereum, is still at the 66,000 mark. People were looking on other chains like Tron and others have their own variation of a wrapped bitcoin concept, and a new one was just released by 21 shares on the Ethereum blockchain 21 BTC. The thought is that the interest behind wrapped bitcoin, so the excitement when I say interest behind wrapped bitcoin, is starting to increase over the regular legacy bitcoin, primarily because of the flexibility factor. The one downside bitcoin has is the chain that it's on. The chain that it's on does not interplay very well with other chains. So if you do trades, let's say you have a stake of Ethereum and you do trades and you want to get some bitcoin, there are ways that you can get it fairly easily, but it's not necessarily straightforward. You have to have either the standard wallet or you need to go to a centralized exchange. But if you wanted to transfer between Ethereum and Polygon and Phantom, it's pretty seamless. You can do it from almost any interface you can think of on these through bridging technologies. There are bridges to go to and from bitcoin, but bitcoin itself is dog slow. Dog slow. They introduced the lightning. The lightning is faster. The lightning is not widespread adopted, it simply isn't. So most is still following the older transmission method of bitcoin. But also the regular bitcoin is still subject to the whims as we see right now of trade behavior on an international scale, where the wrapped bitcoin is being priced independent of the main bitcoin, and as a result appears to be holding its value a little bit stronger than the regular bitcoin. Why ever that is so there are more of these wrapped tokens that are showing up in light of what is happening now, they have had some major controversies in the past over time, especially with the tron network. But the point is that the price differential between bitcoin and wrapped bitcoin caught eyes to where there may be an interest, excitement shifting in that direction over time. I don't know what that necessarily means for you because I don't know what to trade, nor do I want to. I don't trade wrapped bitcoin. I have, I had it on occasion. I swap it. I do regular trades with it. I don't hold it. But it is something to watch, because if it turns out that the wrapped bitcoins price is more stable than the regular bitcoin, it also tells me that that could be a bubble. The wrapped bitcoin could basically represent a trap, not because people are malicious, but simply because the price is fake. It doesn't mean anything. And so it could crash at any given time. And we have to see what happens to its price. Given this disruption, we have to see what happens to its price when bitcoin goes back up. Does this one maintain a higher value above regular bitcoin? Is the open question that we have to answer. In closing, I'm going to be talking about DCA. You know, because, you know, they be like crypto. Can you teach me how to DCA? You know why? Because my pockets are falling out. So DCA people have asked because they're curious, because we hear, you hear me say it. You've heard, I'm sure multiple people say it, and we hear that you've heard the term, I'm sure, dollar cost average, but you don't know exactly what it means to. I'm going to challenge you with something that will surprise you. You do know what it means. You probably have already done it. You don't recognize why you do it and you don't recognize when to do it necessarily. But you probably already, I guarantee you've already done at least once. The concept of dollar cost averaging is a strategy. It's a strategy that talks about stability of assets. To understand it best, you have to understand how much money you intend to put into whatever it is. I'm going to, for the purpose of this conversation, talk about ethereum, simply because it's easy math in the short term. [00:23:10] Let's talk about from the very beginning, how much money, if you're brand new, how much money are you going to put into cryptocurrency, period. Let's say that for you, that's dollar 500. You don't plan to put more than dollar 500 in cryptocurrency at any given time period. If that's a true statement, it means that when a theorem goes up, so your value is going to go up, so it goes up to $504, $510, $515 to DCA means you would take out whatever the profit overage is to recoup it. Now, if it's only $15, if 500 is all you had, and hopefully you're not doing this, but if 500 is all you had, that $15 might go a long way for you. So it might make sense to do that. But if the $500 was truly throwaway money, which is what it should be, it's extra money. You could live without it because that's what you should be doing. You should invest what you can live without. If it's money you can live without, it may not make sense to you to take out the 15 yet, because you want to recoup what you put in. So you really, your initial target as a throwaway target, I'm just giving you round numbers. You want $1,000, you want this $500 to double, period. So if you want the thousand to double, that means the price of ethereum effectively has to double, no problem. But that means it has to be fairly low. In order for that to make sense, the double target, it has to be fairly low. You have to have bought near or at the bottom in order to justify that. It'll go double. But let's say it does. Okay, so you take out your initial 500. Okay, so now you're letting everything, everything that's in there is raw profit. You are at net zero. You have gotten back your $500 because that's what happens, right? That's easy. I know you've done it. If you haven't, you should. But that's all that is. I want to get back the money I put in. That's part number one. But what happens if it's the other direction? Let's assume again it's throw away money. You can live without it. You knew in advance there's a risk of losing it. Here's where the psychological part of it comes into play. You knew that I put dollar 500. It goes down to dollar 300 in this kind of a crap out situation. So now it's at 300. You've got a choice. You can freak out and sell, which to me doesn't make any sense, but you could, because maybe you have a bill to pay. Maybe you have a new kid, maybe you got a medical emergency. There are other things more important than leaving it in crypto. So there may be a valid reason why you're selling at that point. But if it's truly throwaway money, by definition, it means you don't care. It means there's nothing that would hit you, that would cause you to tap that money. That's what the money should be. That's what you should invest, is money you can live without. If it truly is, and it goes to three, you should be sitting there eating chips, cool, and not caring. It's whatevs, right? Remember what I said way back, if you listen for a while, by the way, thank you. Remember what I said. You only lose if you sell at a loss. [00:26:14] If you have nothing sold, you have not lost it, doesn't it? It's. It's funny money until and unless you sell. So if it goes down to 300, that's a perceptive value. You perceive it as a loss. The psychological trick is to not let it treat you any different than if it's a game. It's simply the waves it's moving. The money's moving up and down and up and down, and it happens all the time. And it takes days to weeks to months to years for any sort of significant shift. Remember, Doge took eight years to get to its current price. Okay? So understanding that if it goes down to 300, you can freak out and sell. And again, if it's throwaway, I hope you don't do that. Or you can DCA dcaing at that point means you're going to toss another $200 in there. Why? Because you said, I want to invest $500. Now, you know that in terms of the money that came out of your pocket, it's $700. But in terms of the money that you're investing, and that's what you're doing, you're averaging it out, you're balancing it out, because remember, you're holding now more of the assets for that 700, but you got it at a steep discount. You got it cheaper than it cost you to buy the 500. That's the why it's an average, because the price has gone down in this situation and you're buying in. If it doubled, you're selling to get your profit back. So no matter, because there's less tokens in play that you need in order to sustain that value, it's how much do you need to hold that financial position of $500? How many tokens is that? Do I need more to equate to dollar 500? Understanding that at some point it's going to run back up again, and then you take back the money that you put in there. Or if it goes down and it keeps dipping, you buy dips. You buy dips, you heard me say on occasion, you know, you buy off the dip. [00:28:09] If you buy off the dip, you're either buying to stack major, or you're buying just to get back to that base. You're buying to get back to your $500. DCA is a strategy in times like this, where there's uncertainty with respect to the price movement and the velocity of the price movement. The DCA is one of the smartest strategies you can employ because you cannot lose. Now I see this. It depends. Is it a garbage token off there? You could lose it, right? That's rolling the dice. I'm talking the main ones, your bitcoins, your ethereums, you know, avalanche Solana. I'm talking those where you know it's going to go back up. It's just a matter of time. One of the smartest things somebody could have done when Solana was down to the. What did Solana drop to? Like $30.01 of the smartest things somebody could have done is stack that frickin Solana. Because if they had done so when Solana went mean craze, they would have made out like a bandit. One of the smartest things somebody could have done when Ethereum was down to like a $1,000 is you tossed $25,000 at that business and you're six figures by the time it's all said and done. And I'm only talking about in this recent run, bitcoin was down to $12,000. If you had $12,000 somewhere sitting, and let's say it was, I hope you don't do this, but let's say it was the last 12,000 in your savings, and it goes up to 70,000 because that's where it was. You got your money back and then some. Now you can sit back, cash out. Half of it takes back your twelve. You've got a little bit of extra padding this dip here. You DCA in to stack more as it dips down. Because remember, it all went all the way up to $70,000 in order to get to that total. So now once you got your profit back out of there and you DCA back in there, now you can stack some more for the next run up, expecting that that run up should exceed $70,000. You train yourself, though. The key, as I close to not freak out simply because of the price shifts. The reason that DCA doesn't work for everybody is that some people freak out when they see the price dip. That's why you got these people on coin market caps, community panicking and freaking like chicken little, simply because they see it going to red, not understanding that when everything goes in the red, they're all riding together. And to a larger degree, things that are flowing out of crypto back into the stocks eventually is going to come back over this way. When you have the wartime situations, that's another disruptor. When you have all these SEC actions, that's a disruptor. The election is a disruptor, but the disruptions are going to end at a point you don't know when. So when you DCA, you're saying to yourself, I'm confident that I can lose that money. It doesn't matter, right? But if it's one of the stronger coins to invest in, chances are it's going to win. It's just a matter of when you win, right? See what I did there? So, things to think about in the DCA strategy, it's easy. You've done it. I know you've done it at least one way or the other. Chances are you've done it off of buying dips. It's just, how much did you buy? Did you buy back up to that base or did you buy over it? It's fine to buy over it if you really believe in it. One of the main things I wish I had done and I couldn't, because at the time, my financial situation was not what it is. That's why I want things to drop. [00:31:24] When bitcoin went to twelve, I would have loved to just buy one. Not because I want to be millionaire. That wasn't it, right? I just wanted to buy one, sit on it, knowing full damn well. Full damn well. At some point, Bitcoin's going to exceed six figures, right? And so you get to this point where it does truly become your most valuable asset. Sitting off the side, certainly better your bank accounts or cds. So hopefully this is things getting the cogs turning, getting you thinking about how you can weather the storm and don't freak out, but simply act within your own frame. Don't put more money than you can afford to lose. And then don't freak out based on the chart. Because again, like with everything, this too shall pass. It's a matter of patience. And Zen and Wusa.

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