Find A Friend That Defends You Like Daniel Prado Defended The Car Salesman (SAFUU), Robinhood Cuts APY From 1.5% to 0.01% (Basically Nothing)

March 20, 2024 00:34:42
Find A Friend That Defends You Like Daniel Prado Defended The Car Salesman (SAFUU), Robinhood Cuts APY From 1.5% to 0.01% (Basically Nothing)
Crypto Talk Radio: Basic Cryptonomics
Find A Friend That Defends You Like Daniel Prado Defended The Car Salesman (SAFUU), Robinhood Cuts APY From 1.5% to 0.01% (Basically Nothing)

Mar 20 2024 | 00:34:42


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[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome to Crypto Talk radio, the podcast for everyday investors like you. Visit us on the [email protected]. And now here's your host, Leister. [00:00:13] Speaker B: Thank you for that, Bailey. And welcome everybody out there in crypto Talk radio [email protected] right down to the wire, even through the fire, although it may feel this way with some of the price movement and everything, that it's right down to the wire with some of the prices. And I saw online, I'm laughing a little, not at people, I'm laughing at the situation I saw online. Some people are attacking some of the YouTube influencers who are making predictions, and some are doing technical, and then they're making a call, and then some are just outright making statements of definitive fact, and then the comments are absolutely hysterical. I'm not advocating that you follow any of them. If you do, you do. I'm not advocating you do, but if you do, you may have noticed. See, that's my pleasure. Like the movie that's my pleasure is seen when comments attack the YouTube influencers. I don't know, it seems, and I watched a few of them, and I see a pattern here with crypto, specifically, the ratings, the views, the interactions, everything. It goes down when it's just positive coverage. It's just normal routine coverage. Like even happy caddy Crypto, his is down. Adam coins, who I watch his on occasion. His is really just technical analysis. His is down. Everybody's is down. That just does positive stuff. But then when they do the drama episodes, those get ratings. The views are like three times, four times, five times their normal counts. Like with happy catty, he did a bunch of videos where he was exposing some shady business with other validators, and those got way more views than the rest of it. Please. When he gets attacked by some of the commenter and he responds and he chooses, does whatever he's crapping on, a token. So I always get frustrated because I'm not a YouTuber. I'm a podcaster. It happens to have a YouTube channel, but I'm a podcaster. Cryptotalkradio. Net we're not a YouTube influencer. I'm just a podcaster. I talk about this stuff, but I'm also a know, I listen to other people's stuff, but I'm looking for the entertainment that's, I don't want it for the technical because I'm a fan of teaching people how to fish. So mine is really the educational, boring stuff. It's not designed to entertain, although entertaining. May be smattering in what I do. It's not intentional. It just happens that way. But with the others I'm expecting them to be entertaining. I think Rodney Fudney, cryptojourneys, whatever I think he tries to be but I find him corny as all get out. And then there's the clown shows. There's the be roots. He's a clown. And then the other on chain he's a clown. Like there's the clown. And they consider themselves entertaining and apparently they've got an audience. So I'm not knocking a hustle car salesman and seifu. He's got an audience. I don't know why. And I was going to talk about. And I will talk about today's episode. I happened to stumble across Daniel Prado's stuff on YouTube because he spun up a channel. He got like 200 views on a video talking about the car salesman. And so this guy he's been exposed. Put it that way. He's been exposed. He can come at me, it's whatever. But he got exposed because he was one thing and then he turned into something else and people called him out on his bullshit. And so then he's now doing coverage very similar to what I was doing. But it's like after the fact that I didn't see him. Maybe he did do it because I didn't go deep in his channel. Maybe he did talk about it. I didn't see him recant some of the stuff he was doing when he was having Stockholm syndrome. Yelling and screaming at people that came at him telling them that Brian was a scammer. I didn't see him come back and apologize and give those people their credit for calling them out and saying, dude, the guy's a scammer. He was backing the dude. He was all on it. And I'm going to talk about what he said in this video that I noticed. I don't have any personal stuff, thank goodness. But I will be getting the car situated this weekend. Hopefully. Hopefully. And then I'm talking to the bank about buying something that's somewhat exciting. And I'm doing some other stuff on the business side. I got to get ready for taxes. I got to get all this other nonsense. So I also got another desk for the endeavor. So I'm going to be taking the desk. I'm talking right now on and I'm going to be moving it. And this will be the last step for me to get ready for the studio to get live so I can go back on video. Hercules. Hercules that's coming because once I move the desk, the camera, like right now, it's set up, but I don't have the right setup for lighting and placement. And this will be that last piece. So everything's getting situated for me to get back live, and I'm kind of excited to do that. And I'm going to be doing some traditional coverage as it is. So follow along on this journey. We're going to talk a little bit of cryptocurrency, and then I am going to be giving some updates from Robinhood that I just got. All right, let's talk some numbers. We're going to go to, we're going to zoom out to the month chart. And I'm going to start with Ethereum. Because Ethereum had a little bit less of a nonsensical drop than bitcoin. Let's get the easy stuff out of the way and then we'll circle back on bitcoin. Because bitcoin was an absolute nightmare of epic proportions. So with Ethereum, it was climbing and then it dropped. And I talked about this on the last week's episode, and I said that it looked like it was pointing downward. I didn't see a crap out, but it looked like it was pointing downward. The trend is still upward trend, but it dropped quite a bit. A low of 31 five, a high of 35, heavy volatility, a big span, a big drop, big span. Currently hovering around the 3100, just shy 3200 mark has not recouped much of that loss. So what we're in, what I see is just a bunch of people selling still, and that'll wane off and we're going to get back on some buys and there's some other news that caused some positive. So the trend is still upward. It may not feel like it, trust me. And this is why I keep telling people to take your mother father in profits. They don't want to listen to me, come back, give my credit. But I did say take your mother father in profits, because you just don't know what this business and nobody listens. If you're a gambler, I can't tell you what to do with your money, saying, I would recommend you just take your profits. Because I expected some volatility. I didn't expect a major amount of sustained run. I figured we'd get a run and there's going to be some profit taking. Unfortunately, we also had some liquidations, other things that contributed, and that's going to be a pattern, I believe, for the duration of the year, we have to see what happens with the having. We have to see if the having offsets some of what I'm seeing. But traditionally, I see that we're going to see some volatility, period. Now, let's talk about bit coin, because bitcoin, I think, scared a lot of people. A low of 61 five, a high of 68,000, currently hovering just shy of 62,000. Significant spread in that loss. It was a pretty significant dump. It almost went as high as 74 grand and then dropped down to, like, 61 grand. So people are freaking out that, okay, Disney, it's not. There will be volatility. And if you learn nothing or hear nothing or retain nothing from listening to leistercryptalkradio net, it is to make sure you're taking profits. Please don't just sit unless you're a gambler, please don't just sit and let it go, because there's profit opportunities to be had. You can make some money and consider if it goes up and you take the profits and it goes back down, you can buy back in at a lower point, so it negates it, washes it. Or you could just let it ride and just say whatever and see how much higher it goes. That's gambling. But if it's what you want to do, it's what you want to do. I'm just saying, these were great profit opportunities. I made amazing amounts of money just doing what I just described. Wait till it goes high and I sell it, and wait till it goes low and I buy. So I bought in. I actually bought in some hex because it had bottomed out. And then it just recently started running again after Mr. Twerk in your face did his business, because I speculated that some people might buy the dip, they might buy back into hex in defiance to what he was saying. And even if you didn't buy it on Ethereum, you could buy it on the pulse chain if you figured it out how to do it, because there's Ethereum hex there now. Of course, he made crap on it again and killed the business. That's always a risk. But I expected there was going to be some opportunity to make a little bit of money, and it was because the run up, you could have tossed just a couple of $100 in the thing, and they would have ten x with what just happened. So these are all opportunities that spin around that you have to look for if you're looking to make some money quick. I would just take profits when you can and not sit on it once again, for the third time, it's your money. I can't tell you what to do. I'm just saying I would recommend that you make sure that you're taking profits at all times because it's your money. You're entitled to do that. You're entitled to win. But the big millions and millions, it's whatever the other piece is, it seems like there's a lull. And by a lull, what I mean is, at least in the United States, I don't see the same level of excitement that I would have expected with the run ups where the total market cap as we trend $2.36 trillion is down from the $2.7 trillion, but significantly higher than the $1 trillion we had just late last year. So I'm surprised to see that there's very few United States people excited about the current state of cryptocurrency. And it may be what I speculate. People just dialed out and they stopped following it and they're missing out on these opportunities and that this is good and bad. It's bad because some of these people missed out on profit. It's good because at some point they're going to realize it because the news is going to talk about it and they're going to FoMo into the stuff. And that will trigger more of a significant run later, likely on the tail end of the having. So if you're still in it this long, kudos to you if you got out and you still listen to the show, just to kind of follow it. So you got your ear on the pulse. Cool. Just understand there's a lot of people out there that don't listen to the show. And I would say to you, spread the word and let them know this guy here, he's got level headed and he's calling it straight down the middle. He's not telling you to jump in any garbage. He's telling you to keep it straight. And for the most part, I think I've been pretty accurate and fair on what I cover. I don't cover garbage on purpose. I'm totally different than what I was in 2021, and that's intentional. It's because this is a different run. It's not the same as what it was before. We don't have the same, I don't see the same people talking about the same kinds of graph that we had. There's not a lot of rebase tokens. There's not a lot of reflection tokens. It's a totally different era now. It's really just a transfer of wealth. Whatever's trending, right? Whatever is a hashtag that trends seems to become a token. And that's it. It's that simple. Well, that means that there's still profit opportunity to be made without having to worry about sketchy mechanics. There's obviously the tokens that spin up and they say they're going to do something and you have to gauge whether those are worth your time. I'm just saying, from what I see, it looks like it's a different error, so I don't cover it the same way. Day I am planning to get back on the studio just because I want to interact with folks. And so if you're interested in that, just keep a tail end on. Join our discord, by the way, if you want these kinds of updates, cryptotalkradio net discord and just join up. And I give updates there. Our episodes post there. That's where you're first going to hear about new things coming down the pipe. The last piece, which is kind of a spoiler, but I guess I'll just put it out here and now. Luther van Druss, 1977 I believe I'll just put it out. So there's a plan. And when I say it's a plan, it means it's not confirmed. There's a plan for a token to be launched under our triad brand. In order for me to make that to justify doing it, I would need some more triad signups. I'm not asking you to do it, I'm just explaining. The reason I haven't done it yet is because I have to be able to support it through the Triad subscription. Because the Triad subscription gives you tokens. So as they're distributed to people, they're distributed as being a holder. It's not like it's just free like airdrops to random mother fathers. It is. I'm distributing it to known people. The known people have invested, but not invested to the token. They've invested in the membership. And by doing so, they're entitled to have access to the token. At which point, if there's enough people that express interest in doing that, then I can launch the token potentially on the public side, and then I have to load the initial liquidity and do an outreach. As I'm talking just a regular token, we're not talking anything fancy, just a regular token. It wouldn't do anything other than be a benefit, a perk of being a member, or just basically you sign, you can go and buy it, but there would have be enough memberships to make that make sense. That's why I haven't launched it yet, because I don't have enough memberships to make that make sense for the number of holders up front that I would want to have holding the token at that point. It's still a plan, still on deck, but I don't aggressively push the triad. It's just kind of out there. If people are interested cryptotalkradio net and then there's triad at the top. You can check that and read up on all the benefits of what that does. If you are interested in it, and feel free to ask Cryptalkradio net hit the contact form or in our discord if you have questions about what that means. There will be some sort of outreach later that I'm strongly considering as part of the business brand. And what that would do is it would kind of just rebrand the membership a little bit. It doesn't change the benefits, it changes how we provide it, how we sustain it, how we manage it, everything else under the hood. Then I would do an outreach for the token as part of it and do landing pages and a whole campaign stuff just to let people know this is out here. If this is something of interest, here's the membership, here's the perks, here's what you do. And then if I were able to get enough memberships, then I would proceed with the token launch. So that's what's on deck. Potentially haven't committed because right now is the right time, especially because the alt networks are getting more traction and I was already on avalanche and some other ones with some things that I was doing. So that's on deck. Keep ears out for that. I have one quick, I don't want to call it news, but just kind of an FYI public service announcement I guess I'll bring to your attention if you're in Robinhood. And listen, I have a Robinhood account. I don't use the damn thing because I'll tell you the story real quick. So I had a Robin Hood account and I was doing it for the stock side because I was living in Nevada and Nevada Robinhood refused to do cryptocurrency to Nevada citizens, so I couldn't do crypto. But I was doing the stock trading side and options and other stuff and it was all right. I wasn't really impressed with it as a tool. I have other banks, actual banks where I was know and am doing stock trades and it's much better for me in the way that I trade. So I just kind of abandoned the account and said, whatever. And then I moved out of Nevada. And then after I moved out of Nevada, so I hadn't updated my address. I haven't touched the Robin Hood account since then. After I moved out of Nevada, these jokers sent me an email saying, all right, you could trade crypto now. And I'm like, man, you, mother, father. So then the card, right? You get a card, a debit card, cash card, they called it. They said, okay, we're changing it. Because under the hood, they changed the kind of bank that's under the hood to where it's a different type of account. And this pissed me off initially, and I read it and I'm like, okay, I understand what you're doing, and you're doing it because you don't want the risk of it and all that. I understand. And you can basically delegate it to multiple banks. And I understand it, which makes it very close to my primary bank in the way that they work. So, okay, fine, I'll go ahead and do that. So they sent me the card, little green, whatever, deal. Sent me the card. Okay, fine, I'll pull out the card. I'll go on my computer. I'll activate it. They don't let you activate on the fucking computer. Sorry. That's what it is. They force you to have a mobile app to activate the card. Let me just explain to you. Activating a debit card what activating a debit card really is. Activating a debit card is nothing more than verifying the address, verifying the card number, and choosing a pin. That's verification. Because if it was mailed to you, you have to validate something that the other person wouldn't know if it was stolen. You'd have to be able to validate something that person wouldn't know. So that's why they ask you for your last four digits or social or something else. Right? So there's no reason for a mobile app to validate, to activate a card. There's no reason for it. It doesn't do anything other than validate information. You just put up a simple form or do a phone queue where you can do it that way. I would rather they just put a simple web form. By the way, the web form would still work on a mobile phone. Simple web form asked prompts. You enter the prompts, it activates the thing, and you go, so that thing's been sitting underneath? Not underneath, but under one of the cushions of my couch for like, months. I've had it since. Jeez. What, August, July? Because I refuse. When they build a web interface where I can use my computer to activate the damn thing, that I'll consider activating it separate from that. I was like, I don't really use it. I don't really need it. There's no value having it because you can go online on the computer and trade on it. So I can't use the card. And that's the only real value it has. It doesn't have value as crypto because it's crap. They don't offer hardly anything on there. I think it only has, like, shib, ethereum, and bitcoin. Well, that's a waste of my time. I have way more on Kraken. You can't use the freaking card because they want you to do a mobile app. I don't have a smartphone. There will not be a mobile app. I refuse. I do have a tablet. I refuse to install an app just to activate a card. I will not do it. I refuse. So, okay, I got to waste a card. It's an account that doesn't do any good. Crypto, that's garbage. So it's like, what are you good for? Absolutely nothing. That's what it is. I get an email from these guys. This was today, earlier this morning, and I figured I would share it because some other people might actually like Robin Hood. As garbage as they are. New interest rate effective. May eigth. We're letting you know that this cash sweep. So this is what they changed under the card. That's why I told you the preface story. Cash sweep interest rate will switch, aka drop from 1.5% to 0.1% to earn more interest on your uninvested cash. Join Robinhood gold to get 5% APY. That's eight times the national average savings rate. As a reminder, your deposits are safe with up to $2.25 million in FDIC insurance at program banks, there's no cap on what you can earn, or you can access your money at any time. So two parts to this. Number one, and I don't know if this is everybody or they're doing it for me because I essentially abandoned the mother father, but cutting the rate from 1.5 to 0.1%. So this is fresh off that whole business of, like I said, they switched the account underneath the card from one type of account that was really decent, good to this new one. And then now what they're saying is, yeah, we basically cut your rate to essentially nothing. 0.1% is nothing. That's not 1% by the way, for those who suck at math, that's not 1%. No, it's 1% of 1%. It's basically nothing. You might as well not even have it. And the reason they're doing this and that is to push or shill their Robin Hood gold crap. Nobody's going to sign up for a Robin Hood goal to get a higher rate when there are other services out there that already offer the higher rate for no service fee. So when people were squawking about Shib not being listed on Robinhood, and I said Robinhood is crap, why aren't you just buy your shib? It's on every other damn exchange. Why are you waiting on Robin Hood? They're crap. This is why I said that, because Robinhood is absolute crap. I'm sorry, that's what they are. And this stunt they just pulled of 0.1%, like, it's so insulting. They might as well not even sent the damn email. I know they legally have to, but they might as well not even contact it. They might as well not even offer a rate because there's nothing. You might as well offer nothing because what's the fuck? So if you're in Robin Hood, I don't know if you got the email. I don't know if you're going to get the email. I'm sharing it because there's a chance you might get the email. There's a chance they may cut your rate to bare bones. Nothing. And you're going to have to decide if it's even worth doing it. What does this apply to? This applies essentially to uninvested money. So what they're trying to do is they're trying to force you to invest in something. They're trying to force you to trade because they get fees and then they take a cut, and that's how they make their money. If you just sit on uninvested money, they don't make any money. Meanwhile, you can go out and you could do all sorts of stuff. Well, they get the swipe fees from the card, so it's not like they get zero. They get swipe fees using the card. If it just sits in the account uninvested and unspent, it's just money not going anywhere. Well, the thing is, normally banks are supposed to pay interest because they have an interest in spreading that money out. The whole reason they changed this away and the way they did the structure, they were trying to move away from the traditional banking thing that got many of these exchanges in trouble which got, and I think Celsius was most notable for this, and FTX definitely was. So I've got all this money from all these different customers. I'm going to take this money in a central pool and I'm going to reinvest that money in other stuff that the exchange benefits from. Robinhood was trying to move away from that model because they didn't want to run afoul of the SEC. That's what triggered all this type of a change. Now that it's no longer the traditional bank structure and now that they can no longer benefit off retrading your money, that's why they're no longer willing to pay you the right rate for holding it. There's no financial benefit for them to do so. It's not out of the goodness of their heart that they even offered it. They did it because they make some money and they're throwing you a little bit of something. And now that little bit of something turned into basically a little bit of nothing. So that's why I'm so adamantly pissed about what they're doing, because they might as well giving you nothing on the rate. I said, though, in response to what happened with Mexc very recently, they have it in their terms that they can absolutely do that. That's part of the reason why I abandoned Robinhood, because I said, what good are you? You're not any good. You're a piece of crap. So I'm sharing that word in case you are in Robinhood and you are interested in it, whether you got it or not, it may be coming your way. I can't say it will or won't. I'm just sharing it in anticipation of the possibility that it does. Now, I'm going to close out with this business from Daniel Prado. So there may or may not be some people listening on the show who came from the Seifu ecosystem. Whether you were diehards or not, you may have come from the ecosystem. So you may have at some point been in Seifu for something or other, and you're aware of it, right? Because maybe you jumped into multiple things and maybe you stumbled across our channel on YouTube because we covered the car salesman. I don't know. There may be people who are aware of it. So if you're aware of it and you followed it online, you already know the name Daniel Prado. Daniel Prado. For those who don't know, I said on my recent he comes across like he looks like he's from the mob. He's not. But he looks like he is, right? His girl's kind of cute, sure. But this guy, he was going, like with Brian the car salesman, he was going nuts on this whole thing with Seifu. He was yelling and screaming at people who were coming at him, telling them that this car salesman is a scammer and he's going to rip you off, and this is a scam. And why are you shilling this? He was yelling back at it. He was doing videos in his car, yelling and screaming things like. And I think he was doing one he did in response to coffeezilla, too. And he's like, you're not going to do a goddamn thing. I'm serious. This guy was just nuts. Hair was frazzled, sweating, just balls out nuts. And I just kind of ignored it because I'm like, okay, something's wrong with this dude. Because it's obvious there's something shady going on. And anybody with any common sense can see something shady is going on. And nobody should be this fervent about some cryptocurrency project. This is nuts. This is cult. This is Stockholm syndrome. Right? Fast forward and they have a falling out. So then now car salesman was sending some attack tweets to Prado. And Prato has been doing videos. He has a YouTube channel, and he's been doing videos where he's talking about how Seifu was a scam. And he recently put up a video about this new hectic turkey garbage that the car salesman released. And he was doing a comparison side by side with Seifu's chart and the hectic turkey. And he was know, I'm in the know. I know all this stuff about what was going on with Seifu, and it wouldn't surprise me because, again, this guy was as loyal as freaking puppies. I don't know. So it wouldn't surprise me. He does have some inside knowledge. Well, he was saying these large red dumps. What he was describing, this part I can't confirm, but what he was describing is that safe food, when it did the presale, so it was like $15. He said that car salesman had bought $25,000 prior to the presale. So before anybody else could get in, sold the lowest possible price, that car salesmen allegedly bought $25,000 worth of it in order to, and then launched the presale so that people jumped in off of this FOMO run, right? So now it's pumping and there's FOMO because they did all this height, everything. And what he was describing is that later, essentially, car salesmen started dumping bags to the tune of like half a million dollars here. And it's this. In other words, he's saying that it wasn't that car salesman took out of the liquidity. He's saying that car salesman basically had a stash of tokens before anybody else got them, that he had tokens from prior to the presale, which allowed him to strategically dump at key points of the project. The reason I don't think he has the whole story and why I was questioning is car salesman himself even openly admitted he had the keys to the treasury or the fire pit, one of the two. He had mobilely admitted he had the keys to this business. We saw that there were sales coming from the treasury wallet. Well, if he admitted he had the keys to the treasury wallet, but we see sales coming from the treasury wallet, what can that mean? It means he had to have been selling out of the treasury. So I'm saying it's possible that car salesman had some tokens that he bought in and then dumped off of it. But it doesn't negate what he said, which is that he was dumping out of the treasury as well. So I'm saying when Prado was over there, just fervently defending this dude, I don't know what the hell was going on with this guy because it was obvious that shady stuff was going on. And I called that out where somebody, him or someone connected to him, clearly was doing these kinds of dumps. And to think otherwise is a form of Stockholm syndrome. It's essentially what I said. Well, then he goes a little bit further. He calls out this Schmidt group, which I had never heard this, allegedly, and I didn't see any of this, but allegedly there's some sort of a Schmidt group, which is a backer that came in and was doing some of these dumps as well, that they had bought major amounts of bags and then were part of these large dumps early on in safe with stuff when it started. So after it hit the 330 and they started crapping, like the immediate crap he was saying Schmidt group was somehow, as part of this, I did a little research. The theory going around is that Schmidt group is basically some kind of a shell company where it's still car salesmen under the hood. It's not really a different company, it's just car salesmen hiding underneath the wings of a company. So it's like a double pronged wash trading. So think of it this way. You do a token launch, you do a whole bunch of hype and marketing and all this other stuff. And even to the degree that you say that there's some large backers that are going to be buying into this business, you create a shell company, potentially take out a loan, because this is how elaborate this could have been. And I'm theorizing, I'm just spitballing. You take out a loan underneath the shell company. So you have, let's say $100,000 or $200,000, whatever, under the shell, under your personal. You take 25,000 from money you ripped off other projects. So now you do this launch of a token before. Then. You buy into the token early, so you have the rock bottom price, let's say that's a penny or something. I don't know. So you have a major bag of all these tokens. You continue to do this. You tell your shell company, whether it's you doing it or somebody else, you tell your shell company to strategically do some buys. So now it's not a bot, it's a legit something doing a buy, but it's really you under the hood. That's wash trading. Right? Because it's your own token. So you do all these buys to trigger more FoMO. Run fomo, run fomo run green, run. It's a rebase token. It has a constrained supply, which means the price climbs faster when it hits a peak. You, on the personal side, do a major sell, and you've told people there's large backers in the process. You didn't tell them it was you. So there's nothing really wrong because you bought your own tokens. Buying your own tokens prior to the launch is unethical. It's not illegal, but it's unethical after it's launching. If you take your own money and you're buying your own token to give the illusion of volume that isn't real, that's wash trading. So if that's true, what happened? I can't say it is. But if that's true, what happened? It explains the visual behavior of the graph that we saw, which is essentially a form of wash trading through him and a shell company, all backed by his own money that he used to essentially drain liquidity off everybody else. Well, this starts to get a little gray area, because technically, was anything done illegal? Technically? No. And if it was, you can't really prove it, which is probably why he's getting away with it each and every time. Because, again, if he's got this shell company over there and he's doing all the other stuff. Well, how can you prove that's him? How can he prove it's money? It's a shady something. I was intrigued hearing about this old, different thing now. Not because I'm interested in the project, I'm not. But I was intrigued because it got me thinking. That's how he's getting the hell away from all this time. That's how he's getting away with all his business. And it made me laugh with the whole stuff of car salesman 20 and car salesman 30, where car salesman was ridiculing those guys and they're grifters defined. I don't even know what happened to them. They're grifters defined. But his is just a simple set of, I'm just going to strategically buy a whole bunch of tokens early on and then dump off of them. And I was the largest holder, but it wasn't like I was the owner, holding wallets that were not distributed. They were in circulation, but I was able to buy them at the lowest price point because I control the launch and it's a pre sale. And it's intriguing. It's fascinating the level of complexity of the alleged scam that was presented under Seifu. And it got me thinking, and I'm just spitballing, got me thinking with the hectic turkey, the same thing will happen, but also some of the other past ones. Tatano. Remember when Tatano blacklisted the whale? They stole that whale's money and then they relaunched the contract. And you know, this contract, man, I scanned it. Looks like it's a scam. Totano hasn't been seen since. Fino hasn't been seen since Libero got killed. But that's because the devs keep spinning up shinies. They still are spinning up shinies, even now. All of these other ones that we saw around that time, they're gone. They're all gone. There's no competition in that whatsoever. There's Libra, which is a different, completely different protocol that's out there on the Solana chain. And I was watching that one. It hasn't gone anywhere, hasn't done anything. But we don't see the same level of that. So it got me wondering, tenfold away, maybe if it's the same person or people, because of the similarities between what happened to all their charts. Fascinating stuff. If you were in any of those, I'm sorry to hear know it is what it is, but I figured I'd share this with the Seifu and the car salesman because Prado had to can. I'm sorry. I know. Get pissed off. I don't really care, but I can only describe this as being a member of the Brian legend kiss my ass club because the dude was just so. He was at the point of screaming at people and threatening people in defense of the car salesman. I've never seen somebody of the same gender be so defensive of somebody that way. Like, it's fine if you want to be defensive of a friend, but to be to the point that you're yelling and screaming at the top of your lungs, your hair is all wild and crazy and buckshot to defend your buddy, and for what? A cryptocurrency numbers on a blockchain causes you to go balls out nuts. I've never seen anything like it since or before, so hopefully we don't see it again. He seems like he's calmer now. He needs to fix his mic, but other than that, he seems like he's calmer now. So that's good. And it seems like he's woken up. The down point is somebody else called him out and he said he's always open to business opportunities, so he's just as sketchy as the rest of them, because essentially he doesn't care. It's not about the ethics and the morals. He doesn't care that he got ripped off and he's willing to lie in the bed, as it were, with a scam artist if it means money. If he wants to do that for himself, that's fine. But if you're going to entice other people to get ripped off, I can't support that, bro. He can do what he wants to do with his own money, but people that are like that, that are willing to get other people ripped off, I'll call them out every time I'm aware of it. But I don't want to talk about that crap. I don't want to over praise crypto, but I don't want to talk about crap either. Give me something that's a little bit of a challenge. There's no challenges out there. Maybe I'll do a little bit of deep dive on Libra protocol because it's intriguing, at least, what they're trying to do. I just don't know if there's anything to it. And then I do owe you guys, by the way. I will do a talk point on Launchpad XYZ, and that's really more a public service announcement. It's not a swag. It's just I want to make you guys aware of something that I learned about that project. In the meantime, everything will go back up, folks. It's down. It's trending slightly down, but it'll go back up. We'll go on a run again. And as it closes with the halving, you're going to see some buy the rumor, sell the news happening, and that's going to cause some pump. So I would implore you to take your profits, because you just can't tell these hoes ain't loyal. You welcome.

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